Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST

Runtime Break start
3h 36m 1h 49m

Episode 81: “Eve of the Red Moon”

Last we left off, Bell’s Hells, after volunteering to be the recon mission to Ruidus while the rest of Exandria prepared for a possible incursion or an assault upon the red moon, had some inner turmoil. In doing so, had to regather themselves, rebuild some trust. Fearne, who particularly had been emotionally wounded in this endeavor, wanted to revisit her Nana Morri. The group went to the Fey Realm, back to Ligament Manor, where some reunions with your (Fearne) parents also came with some revelations about your true nature.
A number of “group building” exercises were developed via Nana Morri and FCG, in which you all proved yourselves to be on the path to recovery. Some work has been done with some work still left before you. Feeling a little more confident about your troop, you’ve returned and decided, well, you decided, Fearne, to take the Spark of Rau’shan into yourself and, through the ritual’s completion, you embraced the fiery shred of the ancient primordial fire titan, and, upon making contact with Ashton, awoke the shard within him. Two of you now coming into full realization of the power and the spiritual essence that you both carry and have bonded to. You rushed out of the garden at the top of Ligament Manor while the rest of your group were left to ruminate on what they just witnessed. That’s where we come back in, as you watch the Fiery Spirit Fearne and the…
No. Not going to say swollen, um…
But as you stand in the middle of this garden, the nearby protective field having dropped, and Allura kind of taking in what she had witnessed as Nana Morri grins off in her awkward way towards the prideful vanishing flame of her granddaughter.

Previous Episode “A Test of Trust”

This is the last episode we will have the team at CritRoleStats. They are a resource for far more than just songs, and have been so helpful to any fan who missed something and wanted to know. They have my gratitude and will be missed when the season continues in January.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago

    Welcome! Here’s some of the crazy ad costumes used in 2023!

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:16:00 “Baw! The Ancient times!”
    • 00:19:40 Fan Art Moment Travis:“I thought you were trying to talk me out of this.” The imagined wish of Boss Baby Chetney.
    • 00:22:05 Ashley:“Ok, I have an idea. Should we see if we can make lava?” Laura’s eyes nearly pop out of her head.
    • 00:31:00 Fan Art Moment Ashton’s Earthen Elevator
    • 00:34:40 Fan Art Moment Fearne running/hovering above the ground leaving a smoky trail of burnt air behind her hooves.
    • 00:51:20 “Artax?..” Travis digs a hole.
    • 00:53:33 Sir Push-Pull is officially named. “Awesome.”
    • 00:56:18 “Sublime!”
    • 00:59:00 Nana Morri:“You wash from dream to dream. You had to come in here with one singular, burning hope. One fire that burgeons and forces itself to burn, leaping from your chest, from your bones to consume you. What is your passion?”
    • 01:00:25 Nana Morri:“Bring me a piece of what you hunt. Bring me a piece of ‘The God Eater’.”
    • 01:10:36 The Hero’s Yeast
    • 01:10:55 Taliesin:“Also, Travis. ‘Emergen C Exit’ that just never hit, really?”
      Taliesin:“Door names.”
      Travis:“Oh. That would be so good.”
      Taliesin:“Okay, I’m so sorry, I was disappointed. I mean, you were great.”
      Travis:“That’s so good. Well, fuck.”
      Taliesin:“It was there.”
      Travis:“Now your science fair project’s better than mine.”
      Matt:“…There’s Sir Egress.”
    chat had a great one for sliding doors (click to show)

    Lady Arcadia

    • 01:15:20 Travis launches something at himself.
    • 02:11:32 F.C.G.belches the screams from the egg given by Nana Morri.
    • 02:16:05 Birdie:“Y’all better make sure she gets back okay or I’ll fucking kill each and every one of you.”
    • 02:21:00 Fan Art Moment Fireflies gathering around Allura casting a spell in the Ligament Manor.
    • 02:33:37 Laura:“Hot Boy Qi!”
    • 03:00:33 Groon:“But you are ‘Of The Storm’, are you not?”
      Imogen:“I AM The Storm, baby.”
    • 03:07:16 Liam:“Just taking the butcher wagon to the Bloody Bridge.”
    • 03:19:08 Laura attempts to read a spell scroll in a language Matt has made up (to his visible enjoyment) and a series of Swedish Chef impressions burst forth.
    • 03:20:30 Fan Art Moment Bell’s Hells in cloud/mist form.
    • 03:23:49 Ashley:(hand squelch)

    May we all go into this new year with the confidence of Taliesin believing that ‘Emergen C Exit’ was a clever name and not a rehash of that vitamin supplement.
    Because Life needs things to live.