Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST

Runtime Break start
4h 16m 1h 50m

Episode 64: Reunited

So, Team Wildemount: After being one half of Bells Hells, cast and scattered troop over to the continent of Wildemount, re-engaging with a member of Chetney’s past, Deanna and her companion, FRIDA, discovering about some of the strange changes in the world and the surrounding ways that magic seems to function, both new and old because of the Apogee Solstice and the recent events. → You managed to go past and succeed across some challenges.
You traveled from the city of Uthodurn to the ruined and cursed township of Molaesmyr in the center of the Savalirwood, absconded with information from the past of Ludinus Da’leth himself and survived and some of you got freaky.
But after some rest and a newly acquired staff, you chose to teleport yourselves back to Jrusar, and with your two new companions in tow.
Upon rolling your d100 for the teleportation, you rolled extremely low. As the spell flickers and you all feel your physical selves suddenly begin to vibrate with arcane energy and then are pulled out of this realm into a strange, interdimensional, in-between space.A liminal era and are immediately struck with a series of waves of damaging psychic force energies (blasts) blasting through you.
In the midst of the screaming echoing chamber that is the…

“Fuck it, I’m going to go ahead and I’m changing the lights for this…”
because you guys are now caught, stuck between this space. This is full-on like Doctor Strange being knocked through all the dimensions.You all are being pulled in so many different arcane tumultuous maelstroms at once. Each blast, as you are all being pulled apart and then pulled back together again with no direct connection to the Exandria destination that you had intended to. You do sense that the arcana is shifting away from the grasp of Imogen.
Eventually that staticky, continuous cavalcade of damaging magical energy begins to subside and you feel yourselves finally pull through as you all (thuds) land in a space, the staticky vibrations across your body begin to dissipate.

Previous Episode “A Haunted Past”

      • UltragrampsOPM
        41 year ago

        Same, her ability to weave chaos into a plot is exceptional. I do wonder about the theories of her being


        A secret disciple of the Raven Queen trying to infiltrate the Cobalt Soul

        because that would make her pretty easy to bring back.

        • UltragrampsOPM
          11 year ago

          Prism’s explanation of why she wants to protect Orym raises further suspicion, gotta find out what the Raven Queen would want with an Air Ashari.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago

    Travis: “You can’t roll all baad

    Laura: “I rolled an 8… I just need my box.”

    Aabria: …“you need to get your life right.” 😅

  • UltragrampsOPM
    41 year ago

    I told ya Chetney would return! Can’t keep a union member down! Clock that cobbler coming! Pock O’Pea back in the saddle!

    whew, that got me light-headed

    • UltragrampsOPM
      1 year ago

      This is the evil twin/dark dimension version, named Laura Willingham. A nasty momma who can’t roll for shit but runs the show.

      She doesn’t play by the rules and her business belongs to nobody. That’s right, nobody’s business.

      If you had Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99, but gave her the eyesight and temperament of an adult rhinoceros.

      You can’t tame the wind, just gotta let nature run it’s course.

      ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

    • UltragrampsOPM
      210 months ago

      Glad to help. Can’t make the mods do ALL the work, right?

  • UltragrampsOPM
    31 year ago

    F.R.I.D.A. begins to regret encouraging F.C.G.'s new smoking habit saying, “Something to look forward to.”

    Liam’s “smoker voice” is right on point, “F.R.I.D.A. honey, commeeaaah!”

    I had forgotten F.R.I.D.A.'s laughter recordings until he played Imogen’s laughter back for her. That was a super sweet moment, I thought.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    21 year ago

    Party members calling eachother “Hussy!” at brunch and local military on high alert before break. Good stuff.

  • @thisisdee@lemmy.worldM
    21 year ago

    How’s everyone feeling about this episode after what happened at the end of the last episode?

    Do you think the teams will be back together today?

      31 year ago

      I am really hoping they do! Genuinely excited for a reunion, partly because I feel like Laudna could really use some support from Imogen right about now. It will also be interesting to see how the dynamic has changed between all the characters given that Team 2 seems to have had a rougher time dealing with gray areas that appear to have shaken their resolve.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    21 year ago

    How many masturbation puns is too many? We may find out, tonight, for some.

    Giggety ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

    • UltragrampsOPM
      21 year ago

      Of course Laura rolls a 69 on a d-100 check…

      The wind whispers, “destinyyy…”

      • UltragrampsOPM
        31 year ago

        And Ashley/Fearne decides to shapeshift into a “raccoon dog” aka “tanuki”. Popularly referenced for having magical power in the groin area in the Ghibli film, Pom Poko

        • UltragrampsOPM
          21 year ago

          Here is a nice summary of the Ghibli film. Plus the translated lyrics to the famous song Itsudemo Darekaga


          There’s always someone by your side. Remember, that lovely name.

          A night when your mind is blocked and you can’t see anything I’m sure someone will always be by your side. Even if the city where you were born is far away Don’t forget the wind of that city.

          There’s always someone by your side. Oh, I’m sure you’ll always be by your side. What to do on a rainy morning? If you wake up from your dreams, you’ll be alone.

          Someone will always be by your side. Remember, that lovely name.

          If you’re hurt by strife and can’t see the light, Listen to me, I can hear you sing. Tears and pain will disappear someday. Yes, I want your smile. Windy night I want to meet someone I dreamed I wanted to see you.

    • UltragrampsOPM
      21 year ago

      I could see F.R.I.D.A. turning into a terminator to protect F.C.G. Now you have me imagining them combining for a strangely arousing Voltron situation.