The prude subcurrent on Lemmy is apparently massive. You honestly are being hardly inconvenienced by boob streams and yet it deserves and inordinate amount of complaining. On a real impact basis, you are far more impacted by video games you aren’t interested in than boob streamers.
The prude subcurrent on Lemmy is apparently massive. You honestly are being hardly inconvenienced by boob streams and yet it deserves and inordinate amount of complaining. On a real impact basis, you are far more impacted by video games you aren’t interested in than boob streamers.
This single image really rustled your jimmies huh?
You don’t post when your jimmies are rustled?
Almost exclusively. However I try not to post about foreign jimmies being rustled if mine are equally rustled.
I’m not following, can you explain the foreign jimmies being rustled?
Jimmies that ain’t mine. Other people’s jimmies. Unknown jimmies. Strange jimmies.