• @Agent641@lemmy.world
    1536 months ago

    ✅ Roaring 20s ✅ Pandemic ✅ Fascism on the rise around the world ✅ Multiple regional conflicts

    Oh boy Ive seen this one before!

    • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world
      396 months ago

      Only this time, the countries falling to fascism generally have nukes, so now there’s ultimately no way to stop them.

      And people don’t want to listen and reject them en masse.

      So evil is winning.

      • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
        26 months ago

        hopefully this time we wont need to ship our warplanes over there on makeshift carriers.

        we have two shiny new ones now. one of which already has planes on

        • JJROKCZ
          136 months ago

          Russia has been assassinating several a year for years, the Israelis and Saudis both have been killing journalists, and India is currently in trouble with NA for assasinating a Canadian and plotting assassination of an American.

          Assassinations are very much happening

    • hh93
      396 months ago

      “but he claimed to be Anarcho and anti-government”…

    • @Coki91@dormi.zone
      66 months ago

      Good thing that the person who said what this article claims IS NOT in the government…

      • @isles@lemmy.world
        106 months ago

        José Luis Espert, a legislator with Milei’s party

        Wikipedia continues:

        He was elected National Deputy for the Province of Buenos Aires in the 2021 Argentine legislative election.

        So what indicates he’s not in the government?

        • @Coki91@dormi.zone
          6 months ago

          All I can say is that Wikipedia is not a reliable source but I understand investigating profoundly every minor topic is a nuisance, but if you don’t, it all basically boils down to “trust me bro” which is what my answer is about to be:

          Jose Luis Espert is a Libertarian Legislator sure, but not on Milei’s Party, he and her companion are their own block “Avanza Libertad” while Milei’s block is “La Libertad Avanza” which Understandably might cause confusion, but the fact is that they arent the same. Meanwhile Espert’s block is affiliated with “The Pro” or “Juntos por el Cambio” who Milei’s government has made a coallition with to be enabled to govern/pass laws in the Senate. Basically an alliance

          Espert is NOWHERE in that picture however. The english article might just be outdated, tho as Milei and Espert used to be friends but they went separate ways when Espert Joined the Pro like 7 months ago. Would recommend the spanish article which is somewhat more accurate

          • @isles@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            Thank you for taking the time to explain your points and you are correct that I’ve only really seen headlines and white media about this new leader.

            • @Coki91@dormi.zone
              6 months ago

              In case you really are intersted, I would suggest r/Argentina on Reddit or r/Republica_Argentina again on Reddit

              To clarify the former is more right-oriented (pro current gov, against past) and the latter is Left-oriented (pro past gov, against current)

              Official new sources straight from Argentina are hard to trust, as they used to be Paid by the government and served as propagandists for it until like a week ago since Milei made a decree to halt said Payments for at least a Year (You can search about this with the term “Pauta oficial Argentina”)

                • @aliteral@lemmy.world
                  26 months ago

                  And yet the Argentinian middle class decides it is good to listen to corporate group news mostly. Here we have few state sponsored media channels. And if they were many, rest assured they have neither the power nor the success of Clarín and La Nación, the two biggest players in the media bussiness in the country. To be completely fair, most news media in Argentina (at least, 80% of which by far those two i mentioned previously are made of) is basically right leaning. In some cases, too much to look the other way. But Argentinians have success in defeating logic and facts with fictitious campaign slogans, complete disdain for history and ridicule understandings of economics. That is why the right wing is so strong here.

                  This new president we got surely is gonna be respecting of freedom /s

                • @Coki91@dormi.zone
                  16 months ago

                  I don’t know how an Anti-Corruption office would go with Media Outlets spewing misinformation, free speech is fundamental after all. If they say something that’s wrong they should be sued by the affected, people should loose interest in their channel and it would die off because there’s no profit when nobody watches or trusts them.

                  On another hand, there are some trustable ones but of course who those are varies from person to person, for now let’s just wait until the ones that cant survive without the government’s money die off and we’ll put up to public scrutiny the rest

        • @Coki91@dormi.zone
          56 months ago

          The security minister is in the government, yes.

          The person who said “prison or bullet” is not.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      6 months ago

      they do. right now they’re upset because prison or bullet violates their freedom to choose how they punish other people for using freedom incorrectly. the moderates are outside waving gadsden flags and chanting “prison or bullet OR FIRE OR FLAYING OR DROWNING”. Because freedom.

  • @ImTryingLemmy@lemmy.world
    216 months ago

    “The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost,” Bullrich said.

    Can they pay in Pesos? 'cause they can probably do that instead of burning it in their hearth.

    • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      16 months ago

      Removed under rule 6.

      Rule 6: Memes, spam, other low effort posting, reposts, advocating violence, off-topic, trolling, offensive, regarding the moderators or meta in content may be removed at any time.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    116 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Human rights activists in Argentina have expressed consternation over new security guidelines to crack down on an anticipated wave of protests after the incoming government of libertarian president Javier Milei devalued the country’s currency by more than 50%.

    The aim of the new rules is to prevent a traditional form of protest known as piquete, in which demonstrators blockade city roads and highways for hours, days – and sometimes even weeks at a time.

    “Under the promise of order [the government] seeks to suppress public protest against the effects of official measures,” said the Centre of Legal Studies (CELS) in a statement.

    “The measures attack the right to protest and criminalize those who demonstrate and persecute social and political organizations.”Leftist legislator and former presidential candidate Myriam Bregman said on X (formerly Twitter): “What Bullrich announced is absolutely unconstitutional … The right to protest is the first of all rights.” José Luis Espert, a legislator with Milei’s party, Liberty Advances, replied with a three-word phrase: “Prison or bullet.”The new protocol empowers police at train and bus stations to seize face masks, sticks or other elements they consider could be used in a demonstration.

    In this way, it criminalizes mothers and fathers who demand better conditions for their families and excludes those in charge of their care,” said the CELS in its statement.Television newscaster Mario Massaccesi of the TN news channel recalled that Bullrich herself blockaded downtown streets in Buenos Aires when protesting against Covid lockdowns.

    “What authority does she have now to tell others they can’t protest?” asked the newscaster.Protests are expected in response to the massive wage cuts and transport and tariff hikes announced as part of Milei’s “chainsaw” economic programme.

    The original article contains 516 words, the summary contains 281 words. Saved 46%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @Coki91@dormi.zone
    6 months ago

    This article is straight up missinformation. The person who did that quote, ON TWITTER is not affiliated to the Political Party of the Government, they are in fact Opposition

    The Guardian showing being a shit source

    Edit: Also want to note, multiple claims on the Article not related to the headline are also fake, the Peso was not devalued by Javier Milei, it was already that bad before he became President, what he did was make the Government stop lying about it

    • @khannie@lemmy.world
      276 months ago

      the Peso was not devalued by Javier Milei

      It absolutely was.

      it was already that bad before he became President, what he did was make the Government stop lying about it

      That’s…what official currency devaluation is…(frequently but not always and definitely in this case).

      • @Coki91@dormi.zone
        6 months ago

        When nobody uses the Official exchange rate for several reasons, you have to look at the exchange rate that people do use. On that matter, no the Peso was not devaluated, the official exchange just stopped being a lie, if you’d like to inform yourself about this please look at “Dolar Blue”

        On that note, the only Prices that changed are international companies’ prices because they do go by it. Local Prices and other countries exchanges did not change it’s valuation even a cent.

          • @Coki91@dormi.zone
            46 months ago

            Again, no

            The previous valuation was a lie. It did not exist, nobody could get it but politicians and friends of said power. What doesnt exist cant loose value

            The current however is real, and everyone can have at it. It does exist, and its been like that for a while.

    • @Newguy@lemmy.world
      186 months ago

      What’s the wrong information in the article? Leftist legislator and former presidential candidate Myriam Bregman said on X (formerly Twitter): “What Bullrich announced is absolutely unconstitutional … The right to protest is the first of all rights.”? José Luis Espert, a legislator with Milei’s party, Liberty Advances, replied with a three-word phrase: “Prison or bullet.”? The article I read states reducing the peso by 50% to be apart of the newly elected presidents administration to address the economy. His economy minister, Luis Caputo, moved to weaken the official exchange rate to 800 pesos a dollar – it had been 366.5 – in a televised address after the local markets closed on Tuesday. He said the central bank would target a monthly devaluation of 2%.“The objective is simply to avoid catastrophe and get the economy back on track,” Caputo said, in a recorded speech. “There is no more money.” The president of Argentina posted , “Today inflation is travelling at a daily rate of 1%, that means it is travelling at a yearly rate of 3,678%,” Milei said on his Instagram feed on Friday.

      • @Coki91@dormi.zone
        66 months ago

        Jose Luis Espert is not in Milei’s Party, as mentioned he is opposition, the claim of “Prison or Bullet” shall not be attributed to his Government. And the “Devaluation” of the PESO is rather complex to explain but basically the only effect is big companies changing their prices accordingly.

        Local Prices were already based on the ACTUAL DOLLAR PRICE of the Alternative Market (Not the official) known as “Dolar Blue” the previous official amount was a lie from the previous government that allowed them to steal from Argentina’s workers if they moved their dollars into the country (legally that is) and of course no Argentine had access to dollars at that price as the previous government NEVER allowed normal folk to buy it, only politicians, and in case you were wondering YES it was THAT BROAD DAYLIGHT ROBBERY

        The rest of the claims are true but given how the most alarming claims were lies I advice you to please enforce critical thinking and decide wether the source is biased or not

    • @aliteral@lemmy.world
      66 months ago

      No. They are not. Espert is currently aligned with JxC (Juntos por el Cambio). And surprise to none, they are running the country basically along with LLA (La Libertad Avanza). And even if that weren’t the case, Espert literally threatened leftist parliamentaries. The fucker is even one of the signataries of The Madrid Charter, for God’s sake.

      The Peso was devalued with Milei, and also before. And will keep being devaluated because this govt does not care about the people. They care about the profit as the govt of Fernandez and Macri did.

      The right wing is never the answer. Sadly, those who’ll pay the price for being so ignorant about it will be the citizens.

      Abd replying to something you said, maybe you have no knowledge about fascism, but Milei is clearly a fascist.

      • @Coki91@dormi.zone
        6 months ago

        You just gave me the right on everything about Espert… Including that he’s just a legislator and LLA having an Alliance with JxC to be allowed to govern… So thanks I guess

        However, no the Peso was not devaluated, the Official exchange just moved towards the real exchange since for some reason they dont want to steal more from the Workers and Tourists that fall for the trap of the Official Exchange… HMMMM

        And yeah let’s just be absolutists and say the right is never the answer, that’s obviously flawless and correct and doesnt make you look any biased at all…

        And would like to know the quote you are apparently replying to? Because so far Milei has advocated to follow the constitution, has complied with his campaign promises so far and has been democratically elected unlike his opponent in the Elections who has De-Facto President on his Minister of Economy facade, Surely those arent fascists, correct?

        • @aliteral@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          Milei is not making “the caste” pay. Milei is making workers pay. And Massa was not the president. He was the Superminister of Economy. And in Argentina, that is a big deal. But I’m not aware of him defying the Constitution in his tenure. Now, forgive me for believing the right, who aims to mantain it’s privileges every time they feel they are slightly threatened, can’t be trusted.

          • @Coki91@dormi.zone
            26 months ago

            Except that… he’s already making the Caste pay?.. 2 out of his 3 Decrees so far have already cut A LOT of Political Priviledges and Money making schemes planted by the Peronists, and more are to come out of his words. Sure the workers are paying too i’ll give you that.

            And yes, Massa was the President, of course not in an official way because that would be unconstitutional and Political Suicide, on the Most Peronist fashion it was all done under the rug. As soon as Massa assumed his charge the President Alberto Fernandez LITERALLY dissapeared from Public View AND Executively did NOTHING the rest of his mandate. Massa took his place both in Public Acts and on actually ordering the Country. There’s no way to make this shit up given how blatant it was

            • @aliteral@lemmy.world
              16 months ago

              I don’t think you’re getting my point. The caste is composed of corrupt politicians, corporatioms that lobby the state, unnecesary assistants, etc. Congresspersons are not seeing their salarys reduced, nor are they having a more strict set of rules when it comes to assisting to sessions. Corporations are not paying anything. They are not being affected. Aristocracie has the same tax regime, there is no tax on bigger fortunes that enables some load of the measures to be lifted from the workers, and they’re getting the chance to buy state companys that are direct competition. There is also the elimination of price regulations and observation policy, so literally they can and will charge as much as they want (and yes, you could say that if you can’t afford it, don’t pay for it, but what about the food!?) On democracy and freedoms, freedoms are being reduced (Bulrich’s anti-picket protocol failed tremendously given that the streets were indeed cut off, althought not cut off by the manifestants). Right wing extremist are threatening leftist politicians, as you have seen with Espert. United Left Front parliamentary Natalia Morales was anonymously threatened with “not seeing sunlight ever again”.

              Listen, I get the critics of peronism are valid. And I wholeheartedly agree that they have to be accountable of the wrongs they did and keep doing. What I do not and can not condone is the " on laws ground everything, out of them nothing" rethoric and then unconstitutionalism. If Peronism politicians do it is wrong. If leftist politicians do it is wrong. You can not fuck up the CN. If right wingers do it is also wrong. You can not say “well, peronist do it”. Because that is not the way it works when you said all the heavy things you said when in campaign.

              And then we could go and analyze why most of what Milei said on campaign was wrong. We cpuld start iith his bashing of aocialism and communism when, he may not know what the hell those are, because he does not appear to know how they work or the definitions, or he knows but finds amusing to spew lies. We could go on and prove markets are not good at autoregulation, we could prove that economic growth does not equal life quality, climate change is obviously real and denying it should be penalized in my opinion because scientific consensus on the matter is hella strong, etc.

              We can argue for hours about all of this things. And again, the caste should pay. But they’re not. Because those who made themselves rich on the workers labor, sweat and tears are not having any privileges being taken away. They are just getting more chances at exploiting.

  • @daltotron@lemmy.world
    96 months ago

    So he’s basically just a liberal, right? Similar expansions of the police and increasing militarization happened under thatcher and reagan. He might call himself an “ancap”, but he’s probably just gonna be the same as them, in practice, since we live in a globalized economic system. No call from me on whether or not he’s going to be worse or not as bad, but he just seems like he’s basically the same as them ideologically.

      • @itslilith
        26 months ago

        In any country except the US, yeah. Liberals are right-wing free market conservative

  • @Water@real.lemmy.fan
    56 months ago

    My first thought was that this was very un-Libertarian of Milei, and then I got my answer:

    José Luis Espert, a legislator in Bullrich’s Together for Change alliance, which is in coalition with Milei’s Liberty Advances party, replied with a three-word phrase: “Prison or bullet.”

    Milei did not even say these lines.

    It seems to be mostly about cracking down on disruptive protests that block traffic, etc.

    Some of this just isn’t that bad:

    It also limits the participation of teenagers in social protests, ruling that parents of youngsters who should have been at school instead of protesting will be sanctioned.

    Fair & good.

    • @Shardikprime@lemmy.world
      16 months ago

      Yeah no, that’s Venezuela, where, believe it or not, maduro runs over protestors with tanks, emulating his Chinese overlords