• @Gonroz@lemmy.world
    1006 months ago

    Interesting. Most liberals I know already agree with that sentiment without having to be told.

      • @Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world
        416 months ago

        It’s not that it’s “not a big deal.” It’s that he’s still the better of the two realistic possibilities. No Republican running for president will be harder on Israel than Biden is being (which is, admittedly, in no way hard), and they are all far worse on other metrics important to the left.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          176 months ago

          But that’s another hand-waving deflection. When can we discuss the deeply problematic words and actions of our current president without establishment liberals popping out of wells to tell us he’s not as bad as Republicans? He’s still doing and supporting some unacceptably fucked up shit.

          • @BossDj@lemm.ee
            376 months ago

            We can do that once the threat of right wing extremism is not so imminent. We lashed out at Hillary and got Trump. Now women can’t get abortions without dying first. Corporations have their record profits and record tax breaks. We don’t want another four years of constant stress

            • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
              136 months ago

              Lol. Do you really think that Trump became president because the Left critizized Clinton too much?

              • @TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.id
                106 months ago

                It surely didn’t help. At this point I don’t think people can be blamed for being spooked and leery of anything that might help Trump.

            • FuglyDuck
              116 months ago

              You mean the threat that he has basically only delayed? That as a party, historically, the democrats have only ever delayed because their shitty centrist candidates do nothing to progress beyond; leading to an America that is on the brink of fascism?

              You should probably retire that macro… it’s getting a little musty.

            • @hark@lemmy.world
              106 months ago

              The right wing extremism will always be imminent. It’s like a show that ends every episode on a cliffhanger to try to keep audiences watching. Hillary gave us Trump: https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/

              Then she positioned herself as the only solution. It’s funny when people say “OMG HILLARY WAS RIGHT” yeah, of course she could tell the outcome of a situation she was key in creating. She wanted that presidency and she was willing to promote fascists to get there. Vote for her or die. This is basically the only democrat strategy now. I’m going to keep voting for democrats anyway because our system has no real choice, but don’t use this situation to shield democrats from criticism, they deserve plenty of it.

              • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                36 months ago

                I’m going to keep voting for democrats anyway because our system has no real choice

                Yeah… people are quick to point out that Republicans can’t win elections without massive voter repression - but they never admit that Democrats can’t win without literally threatening everyone with the other side’s fascism, either.

                It’s been that way ever since the Obama betrayal - and that’s not something corporate liberalism will ever deserve forgiveness for.

                • @lingh0e@sh.itjust.works
                  46 months ago

                  they never admit that Democrats can’t win without literally threatening everyone with the other side’s fascism…

                  That’s some absurd reasoning. “pointing out how the GOP are literally acting like fascists is the stupid Democrats fault”.

                  Get the fuck out of here.

                • @voidMainVoid@lemmy.world
                  16 months ago

                  It’s been that way ever since the Obama betrayal

                  It was that way during the 2004 Bush v. Kerry election and probably the 2000 Bush v. Gore election, too. (I don’t remember much about 2000 because I wasn’t really paying attention to politics yet.) And it probably goes back even further than that.

                  You know all of the rhetoric used against Trump? They were saying all of the same things about W. Bush.

              • @BossDj@lemm.ee
                36 months ago

                This is all 100%.

                Criticizing them doesn’t matter though. They’re still happy and rich if they lose.

                The fight won’t be small jabs, it will be big and all at once

              • @voidMainVoid@lemmy.world
                26 months ago

                It’s funny when people say “OMG HILLARY WAS RIGHT” yeah, of course she could tell the outcome of a situation she was key in creating.

                That’s s stupid comment regardless of which candidate or election you’re taking about. “Hillary warned us about Trump!” Of course she did. She was running against Trump! She would’ve warned us about her opponent regardless of who it was. In fact, if she didn’t do that, she would be a shitty campaigner.

                You know who else Hillary warned us about? Bernie Sanders!

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              86 months ago

              We can do that once the threat of right wing extremism is not so imminent

              Is exactly the kind of attitude that results in the kind of right wing democrats that gave the extreme right wing enough leeway to take over the GOP rather than be shunned by society like they were before the DNC and their media arm elevated Trump.

            • LinkOpensChest.wav
              76 months ago

              It’s coming from a place of privilege to think we can wait until then. It’s coming from a position in which you can stand back and look at everything through the lens of a campaign rather than being deeply hurt by his policies. People in the border camps need to be freed NOW. We need to give the land back NOW. Israel needs to stop committing genocide NOW.

              I’m sorry if it causes you “constant stress” to think about this. I’m sure other people’s pain and suffering is so hard for you to bear, but we need to talk about this. We need to somehow stop Biden and his party from continuing to support and bolster these atrocities.

                • LinkOpensChest.wav
                  56 months ago

                  OK. I’ll be that vs. someone who excuses atrocoties like fascism and genocide. I’ll be that vs. someone who clothes their speech in tolerance while building camps and walls at the border.

                  That’s still much better than what you are.

                • LinkOpensChest.wav
                  36 months ago

                  Here’s another thing you do that really pushes people away: No one said a damn thing about voting Trump, or DeSantis, or anyone else.

                  In fact, I don’t think I even mentioned voting at all.

                  Who’s president right now? Let’s talk about him. We need to be able to demand he cease his genocidal actions without having people like you constantly deflecting criticism with this pointless whataboutism. It’s as pointless as it is exhausting.

            • You raise a good point, and just as a disclaimer I’m not American, but I feel like there’s space for a) voting and campaigning for the democratic candidate, while also b) decrying your poverty of choice in the matter.

              But maybe the stakes are just so existential (clearly), that any disent has to take a backseat to just getting the less shitty party in power.

        • FuglyDuck
          6 months ago

          Lol, Biden himself has admired that there are 50 other democrats that could also beat trump.

          So try again there, bub.

        • @voidMainVoid@lemmy.world
          26 months ago

          I remember Democrats telling me that the strategy was to elect Biden and then “hold his feet to the fire”. When did that happen?

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          86 months ago

          It’s all a sick game to them. It’s always about the polls and the next election. Sometimes I feel like they’re incapable of any actual genuine empathy.

          • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            It’s always about the polls and the next election.

            Isn’t that what democracy is supposed to do? The elected leader should follow the will of the people. If the people are saying do X, the leader should do X despite his personal preference.

            • LinkOpensChest.wav
              6 months ago

              I’m referring to people who shield the current president from criticism of his genocidal practices by arguing that if we talk about these deeply disturbing things he’s supporting and doing, it will somehow hurt his chances in the next election. Literally no consideration or empathy for the people being harmed by his actions – just “well, he needs to win the next election.” Extremely deranged.

              If the people are saying do X, the leader should do X despite his personal preference

              No. If the people are calling for genocidal or colonial practices, then no. You are using the same logic people would use to defend the anti-trans and anti-POC laws my own state has passed. The majority here may support them, but this does not mean they are immune to criticism, nor should they be. It’s really anti-human and anti-progress to think otherwise.

              Edit: I want people to really read this user’s comments to me right here. This right here is the brainrot that privileged liberals bring to the table. Absolutely appalling behavior by this person.

              Also, imagine thinking the only choices are tyranny of the majority or authoritarianism. Brain. Rot.

              • @Quadhammer@lemmy.world
                16 months ago

                Shielding biden

                Yeah, no ones doing that. Maybe some fringe morons but liberals don’t worship their elected leaders

                • LinkOpensChest.wav
                  36 months ago

                  This doesn’t seem correct. Any criticism of a Democrat immediately elicits defensiveness and wild accusations of supporting Trump. I’m starting to think they’re incapable of actual empathy. Imagine defending something like ICE or Israel.

              • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
                16 months ago

                If the people are calling for genocidal or colonial practices, then no.

                A just dictator is the best government. But that’s not democracy. Many people are bad. We can only hope that a majority are good.

                • LinkOpensChest.wav
                  26 months ago

                  While you talk about from a distance in terms of political theory, we have people suffering under Biden’s leadership. It’s people like you who enable these atrocities. It’s all a sick game to you…

      • @eestileib@sh.itjust.works
        6 months ago

        What total horse shit. Mark Zuckerberg’s safety is in no way conditioned on the existence of Israel.

        But Biden isn’t a liberal (in conventional US usage anyway) and I doubt he’d describe himself as one. He’s an establishment centrist if there ever was one.

        • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          He’s a neoliberal Clintonite. He’s in the most right wing part of even that right wing form of liberalism, but still a neoliberal, which is the DNC default kind of liberalism and has been since 1992.

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        116 months ago

        That comes with the boldest admission I’ve ever seen, that we as the entire rest of the world are uniformly unwilling to stand by and protect the Jewish people in our communities and countries. Fuck that. No, we must protect our Jewish neighbors, we must be willing to take in Jewish refugees of antisemitism. We must take it upon ourselves be the place where Jews are safe. Saying Israel is the source of Jewish safety is a fucking cop out and it’s a disgusting one at that.

          • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
            16 months ago

            There are lots of marginalized groups that do not have the benefit of having a homeland country that are continuing to survive. Maybe we were more barbaric in the past, and there’s certainly still antisemitism to root out, but I don’t agree with the take that countries couldn’t protect their own Jewish populations.

            • @stevehobbes@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              There are no other groups that had 2/3rds of their population in Europe and almost half their worldwide population systemically murdered, while the world refused ships full of Jews and had hard quotas on how many Jews were allowed in.


              Should these countries protect their population? Yes. Did they? Maybe their own. But they sure didn’t protect Jews in the rest of Europe. Did the US have a duty to protect German citizens? Do we today? What has actually changed?

    • squiblet
      86 months ago

      this is another meme using the European/PolSci definition of Liberals, meaning classic/neoliberal, as in ‘capitalists’. Definitely confusing and generally wrong in a modern US context.

  • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
    676 months ago

    Not necessarily. It’s genocide because they’re being specifically targeted for their race, religion, ethnic group, or other genetic or cultural characteristics. Which they absolutely are. If you lock the doors at rock concerts and kill everyone in attendance it’s just mass murder.

    • @cynar@lemmy.world
      246 months ago

      They went aggressive defense, after the effects of WW2. They built an impressive machine to both keep themselves safe (by all means necessary) and hunt down Nazis who fled into hiding.

      Unfortunately, they ran out of targets, on the nazi front, and really pissed off their neighbours. Rather than risk de-escalating, they’ve gone all-in.

      The intergenerational changeover, and the political games that entailed lead to the current situation.

      Stare too long into the abyss, and the abyss will stare back into you.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        and hunt down Nazis who fled into hiding.

        Give it a break. One of Israel’s staunchest allies since the start was West Germany - which enthusiastically co-operated with Israel while Israel was fully aware that it’s intelligence services were jam-packed with nazis. Israel only hunted the nazis that were convenient to hunt.

        Birds of a feather and all that.

        • @cynar@lemmy.world
          46 months ago

          The ones working for west Germany, as well as America weren’t hiding, they were useful. Their targets were the one who were useless alive for anything other than getting revenge against.

          The key is they had a good excuse to build a highly effective surveillance and infiltration system. It also was/is skilled at getting their hands dirty on foreign soil, while keeping the mess contained. At the time, they have a worthy target. As time went on, the number of targets dropped. The system in place was then turned to other uses.

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            did West Germany still have laws prosecuting Jews and other minorities after the war?

            Funny you should mention that…

            After the war, discrimination against Roma continued all over Europe. The courts in the Federal Republic of Germany determined that all measures taken against Roma before 1943 were legitimate official measures against persons committing criminal acts, not the result of policy driven by racial prejudice. This decision effectively closed the door to restitution for thousands of Roma victims, who had been incarcerated, forcibly sterilized, and deported out of Germany for no specific crime. The postwar police authorities took over the research files of the Nazi regime, including the registry of Roma who had resided in the Greater German Reich, and police harassment and discrimination continued.

            Only in late 1965 did the West German compensation law explicitly acknowledge that the acts of persecution that took place before 1943 were racially motivated, creating eligibility for most Roma to apply for compensation for their suffering and loss under the Nazi regime. By this time, many of those who became eligible had already died. In March 1982 Federal Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, formally stated that German Roma had been victims of genocide.

            I guess it’s true what they say… underneath the liberal 1st world pretensions it’s still the same old Europe.

            Let’s be clear on one thing… the nazis were not some “aberration” - the predatory and parasitic socio-economic systems that enabled and nurtured them is still very much alive and kicking in (so-called) “western civilization.”

              • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                26 months ago

                It did take a long time for Germany to come to terms with their past.

                Have they?

                Germany is still controlled by the same kind of capitalists that funded the nazis to protect them from working-class revolt. Germany is still controlled by the same kind of politicians that gave up power to the nazis out of political expediency. Germany went from being a fascist state to enabling another pretty darn obvious one - Israel.

                No, I think Germany has no more “come to terms with it’s past” than any other colonizer state.

                But even so, that hasn’t really got to do with Germany somehow influencing Israeli

                Germany aiding and abetting a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonial state has got nothing to do with this?

                Nothing at all, eh?

      • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
        6 months ago

        The trick is to wait until the abyss stares back, and to smile at it.

        EDIT: My bad, I thought this was from another Israel Palestine thread I roped myself into.

        I feel bad for everyone involved though.

    • @Dinsmore@sh.itjust.works
      186 months ago

      The whole point of the state of Israel is to have an ethnostate - at the minimum, apartheid, at the maximum, genocide - which is why there is a huge split among Jewish people worldwide as to whether or not be Zionists.

      • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
        16 months ago

        Funny. I looked at my calendar and thought it was 1356 with the way you all are talking and acting.

        You’ll learn to take a step back and view situations objectively one day, far in the future, when you grow up. Perhaps 2095.

    • @tory@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

      It’s a genocide. Your point is they could probably be more efficient and obvious about the civilian murder. Therefore, it’s not a genocide.

      Your point is moronic.

    • @irmoz@reddthat.com
      126 months ago

      Mate if they orchestrated a complete mass murder in an instant, absolutely no one would be able to defend it. This way, people get to just say “well, it’s war”.

    • @GeneralVincent@lemmy.world
      116 months ago

      It’s not “large numbers of civilian casualties”

      It’s “the VAST majority of deaths are innocent civilians”. It’s like if Texas kidnapped 5 random citizens to kill every time someone was given the death sentence. Would you say that’s acceptable because it’s just “collateral damage”?

      • @TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.id
        76 months ago

        This is by design on the part of Hamas though. It doesn’t excuse the situation, but it does make it more complicated especially with regard to intent, which has to matter when considering charges of genocide.

        • @masquenox@lemmy.world
          36 months ago

          Oh, look… the White Supremacism Fan Brigade is blaming genocide on the victims of genocide again.

          Of course, the liberals who run Lemmy.world will ban me if I call you a fascist or a white supremacist… because reasons.

          • @djdadi@lemmy.world
            46 months ago

            You don’t think two things can be true at the same time? Hamas absolutely are using human shield tactics, and have been for as long as they’ve been in existence. There are articles on the Internet showing how and why they do this years back.

            AND at the same time, Israel is using that fact to bomb much more indiscriminately than they could be.

              • @djdadi@lemmy.world
                26 months ago

                White supremacist? Bro we’re talking about two Middle Eastern countries.

                Moreover, you showing when Israelis have used human shields doesn’t even remotely prove or disprove anything Palestine has done. So respectfully, no.

                • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                  16 months ago

                  we’re talking about two Middle Eastern countries.

                  Oh… are you going to pretend that you didn’t know Israel is a white supremacist settler-colonialist state - and always has been?

                  Let’s see how long that works for you, eh?

                  you showing when Israelis have used human shields

                  The only hard evidence we have for the use of “human shields” is their use by the fascist side.

                  So - extremely disrespectfully - put up or shut up.

          • @TheFonz@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            I don’t know that one negative makes the other right. They can both be culpable of fabricating this situation to feed larger interests. IDF is reeling in Bibi’s dirty war and Hamas is Iran’s puppet to destabilize the region. They are all shitheads, as history had shown. I don’t know why leftys have coraled around defending Hamas when it’s the Palestinian people suffering the brunt of their actions.

            • @GeneralVincent@lemmy.world
              16 months ago

              Hamas is Iran’s puppet to destabilize the region.

              Not saying I don’t believe you, but do you have sources or more info?

              My reason for “defending” Hamas is because of the scale of destruction (Israel is systematically destroying their entire country vs homemade mortars made by Hamas) and the intent (Israel wants to have the entire land to themselves by almost any means necessary vs Hamas wants to fight their oppressors) so I place much more blame on Israel for killing civilians than Hamas. Both are bad, sure. Everyone knows that, every innocent death is an absolute and heartbreaking tragedy. Hamas has little control of the situation tho, while Israel has the third largest military in the world. Who do you think is more responsible?

    • @djdadi@lemmy.world
      76 months ago

      All of these posts are so weird to me about arguing that Israel is commiting genocide. No one seems to mention or care that over and over again Hamas has admitted and encouraged genocide against Israel. But they’re smaller so I guess it’s okay?

      • @vzq
        56 months ago

        One is a terrorist group. The other famously self-describes as “the only democracy in the Middle East”.

        Do you really think we should have equal expectations?

    • TomAwsm
      76 months ago

      Right. Because if their goal was to wipe out all Palestinians, they would of course put all of their efforts and resources towards that without letting international politics affect what they do and how they do it… /s

    • @vzq
      66 months ago

      “Everyone warcrimes actually” is a pretty weak take.

    • @masquenox@lemmy.world
      46 months ago

      And Nazi Germany could have used poison gas to clear the western USSR of it’s population so much faster - so I guess there was nothing genocidal about Nazi Germany, eh apologist?

          • @Pirasp@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            Not necessarily, definitely not generally. But the party “Die Linke” in Germany ( basically translates to the left/leftists) has some strongly russophilic currents. I’d wager that’s the case in more countries than just Germany.

        • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          I don’t really think that’s true, lol. It may just be my own bias as a leftist that heavily condemns Russia’s invasion, but the vast majority of leftists condemn Russia invading, with some also condemning NATO’s historical treatment of the Russian Federation, leading to an unjust invasion in the first place.

          It’s kind of like people that say the US government caused 9/11 by being an absolute villian on a global stage, especially with respect to the Middle East. That’s not saying 9/11 was justified, but that the US government shouldn’t have held their foreign policy the way they have for centuries in the first place.

          Maybe I’m blind, but I really don’t see anyone saying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is justified.

          Leftists are anti-Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism as a rule, so being pro-Imperialism is a decidedly not leftist take.

          • @Socsa@sh.itjust.works
            6 months ago

            I’m just basing this on what I see all over hexbear and lemmygrad in particular. I have, in fact, gotten a ban for “genocide denial” on hexbear for suggesting that Russia is perpetuating genocide against the Ukrainian people. The absolute irony.

          • @banneryear1868@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            Yup, as a leftist Russia is an imperialist capitalist country doing the terrible things those countries do. These conflicts will always occur until we move on from this system. Every capitalist imperialist hegemon engages in these conflicts. Where I seem to agitate people is I don’t make exception for this for other hegemon countries like the US and alliances like NATO, as if this had no historical context and was inevitable.

        • @MindSkipperBro12@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          I see, I just want to state that there’s an odd use of terminology you’ve used. I’m assuming that you’re referring to marxists, socialist, etc, as the “leftists”, I just wish to point out that they absolutely HATE liberals, like the Democratic Party and such. The liberals actually support Ukraine while those leftists are more “eh” on the subject.

    • @banneryear1868@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      Liberals then: 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦

      Liberals now: 🇵🇸 Free Palestine! 🇵🇸

      Liberal’s stock portfolios: Lockheed, Raytheon…