I stand by my opinion that CEO pay should be pegged to the “lowest” employee on the totem pole, everyone should ride the wave and spread out the earnings. Its just gross how it currently is.
In addition to Mondragon, look into co-determination laws in places like Germany, where they have profit sharing, and a certain % of a company’s board needs to be made up of actual workers.
You’ve use the word “should”, which means you’re applying a value judgement. On what metrics are you basing this value judgment? Does a company perform better using this guideline? Do they lower any risks? Does this increase retention? Improve cross-team communication? Reduce waste or losses?
While I also personally think these salaries are insane, without answering about a thousand more similar questions, there’s no justification for the metric you’ve provided.
Another way to look at it: if a company could hire someone for less, and get similar results, wouldn’t they?
so heres where I disagree, if you’re paying the minumum you’re attracting the minimum, the reverse can be said for the worker, why work here when I can get more elsewhere? with pegging the top and bottom rungs of the ladder and spreading the income everyone is motivated to come in to work everyday because they know that if they take care of their work, their work will take care of them. I don’t think thats radical. everyone wins.
I stand by my opinion that CEO pay should be pegged to the “lowest” employee on the totem pole, everyone should ride the wave and spread out the earnings. Its just gross how it currently is.
In addition to Mondragon, look into co-determination laws in places like Germany, where they have profit sharing, and a certain % of a company’s board needs to be made up of actual workers.
This can be done.
And congressman/representative salary should be pegged to minimum wage.
You’ve use the word “should”, which means you’re applying a value judgement. On what metrics are you basing this value judgment? Does a company perform better using this guideline? Do they lower any risks? Does this increase retention? Improve cross-team communication? Reduce waste or losses?
While I also personally think these salaries are insane, without answering about a thousand more similar questions, there’s no justification for the metric you’ve provided.
Another way to look at it: if a company could hire someone for less, and get similar results, wouldn’t they?
so heres where I disagree, if you’re paying the minumum you’re attracting the minimum, the reverse can be said for the worker, why work here when I can get more elsewhere? with pegging the top and bottom rungs of the ladder and spreading the income everyone is motivated to come in to work everyday because they know that if they take care of their work, their work will take care of them. I don’t think thats radical. everyone wins.