Can’t a corporation just enter the space whenever they want to? Can’t they start or even buy out larger instances? Even if Lemmy does take off, wouldn’t this inevitably happen anyway if the space gets popular enough?

  • A VPS is basically just a complicated way of making an account with a large infrastructure provider imo if i can’t have a raspberry pi, that costs only electricity, and have it host an email server

    the protocol is not open! at least it is more closed than i’d like - it’s open enough for companies, granted

      1 year ago

      If I have to have a computer, imo it’s not open. It should just be in the air or it’s literally an impossible barrier for anyone to get past.

      • ?? This is clearly not what i’m saying. Residential Hosting is technically possible - everything works as intended, it’s just that a tiny bit of extra logic on the recievers side rejects the delivery.

        That’s very different from…? Demanding the air? Hosts it?

        I just think the requirement is red tape, and i have no idea why yall are so ready to accept, that you shouldn’t own the machienes you run your code on, if you’re not a company.

        Suree, i am a bit oblivious, it may be that it’s as “easy” as calling your isp. It’s just that my isp never picks up, and sends the pinkertons after me to get me to stop calling.