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Runtime Break start
3h 23m 1h 32m

Episode 1: Curious Beginnings

Welcome to Wildemount. The year is 835 P.D., or post-Divergence. This continent is divided both by jagged terrain and political powers. The Menagerie Coast, a collection of city-states united under the Clovis Concord, monopolizes the southwestern shores and ports of Wildemount, thriving on open trade and cultural freedom.
Beyond the Cyrios Mountains lies the massive region known as Wynandir, bisected by the Ashkeeper Peaks. Eastern Wynandir houses the expansive wastes and turbulent badlands of Xhorhas, overrun with all manner of beasts and terrors, relics from the final battles of the Calamity that ruined that scarred landscape.
Northward, you would find the Greying Wildlands, a lawless realm harboring a curse that has kept it unconquered by human hands. However, this story begins in the territory of Western Wynandir, within the boundaries of the Dwendalian Empire.
Emerging 13 generations before, the Dwendalian Empire has slowly spread to encompass the surrounding societies of the region, absorbing the peoples of the Zemni Fields and the Marrow Valley, before finally conquering the Julous Dominion and taking the whole of Western Wynandir for the Empire.
Under the rule of the current King Bertrand Dwendal, now in his 68th year, most are left to their own devices. You live as you did before. The crown only takes a tithe of what you produce and earn. You follow its laws, worship its gods, and bow to its installed local leadership. In return, denizens of the Empire are protected from the chaotic horrors and shadowed evils that stalk the edges of the civilized lands. This accord has led to a prosperous century for the Empire, or at least the political elite. Tensions brew beneath the chafing watch of the Crown’s Guard. Every temple is government-owned and run, and worship outside the approved idolatry is met with imprisonment.
Rumors of military clashes at the eastern border near Xhorhas have many common folk on edge. Our story, however, begins much smaller. Here in the southern reaches of the Marrow Valley, beyond the entry gates of the Wuyun Gorge, lies the small rural town of Trostenwald. Bordering the blue waters of the Ustaloch, this town came to prominence near the turn of this recent century, when the surrounding fertile farmlands were discovered to produce a unique type of grain and wheat, leading to a boom of breweries. When the glut subsided, three large families stood triumphant in the local business of fermented delights. Now Trostenwald thrives on their exports of fish, crops, and ale. Here in this sleepy trade stop along the Amber Road, a handful of wandering destinies slowly begin to intersect.
We begin in the early hours of the morning on the day of Grissen in a messy room on the second floor of the Nestled Nook Inn. A bleary-eyed, bruised man in a tattered coat slowly wakens from his lengthy sleep, catching his small, snoring ally curled at the foot of the bed.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:03:28 'Twas the night before Critmas
    • 00:15:07 Recognition to Director Steve Sprinkles (namesake for Jester’s ferret)
    • 00:32:55 Sam’s happy dance after introductions
    • 00:35:43 First Roll of Campaign 2 by Travis: Nat 20
    • 00:58:58 Frumpkin is introduced
    • 01:02:46 The Soul Train Academy
    • 01:54:56 Laura:“Like, is his moustache especially B.O.-y? Like, what? That’s really gross.”
      Matt:“Make a perception check.”
      Laura:“Ew. I don’t want to perceive this.”
    • 01:57:15 Beau:“Can I keep my stick?”
      Yasha:“How about this? I’ll take it, and I can just carry you to your seat.”
      Jester:“How are you carrying all of these weapons?”
      Yasha:“Because I’m really fucking strong.”
      Fan Art Moment Yasha loaded down with all the weapons before the faire, including Nott’s original crossbow.
    • 02:01:37 Marisha:“I just like the way everyone says ‘falchion’.”
      Liam:“It’s pronounced ‘felching’.”
    • 02:02:40 Fan Art Moment Yasha tossing Beau over her shoulder and Beau enjoying the ride while teasing her compatriots.
    • 02:09:45 Carnival Master Gustav Fletching begins the Fletching and Moondrop’s Traveling Carnival of Curiosities.
    • 02:15:18 Gustav’s poem: “In a flash, beyond the ash, the gods all went and gone. The darkness came to grasp, reclaim, and suffocate the dawn. But from that night, a burning light doth keep back the shadows’ bane. The strength to fight will set alight the morning sun again.”
    • 02:18:58 Marisha:“Yeah, what’s it look like?”
      Laura:“He just described what it looked like.”
    • 02:20:00 Neato Sound Effects!
    • 02:23:28 Historic Jester Moment The First “I invoke duplicity.”
    • 02:31:56 Historic Crit Moment The First Zemnian “Nein!”
    • 02:33:53 Liam"That’s our M.O., baby!" (the strategy of hiding in a crowd during a battle)
    • 02:34:58 Historic Beau Moment The First “Pop-pop.”
    • 02:44:46 Historic Yasha Moment First Rage.
    • 02:54:52 Beau gets the First “How Do You Want To Do This?”
    • 02:56:46 Jester’s first heal is cast on Beau. (running gag about her low healing this campaign)
    • 03:12:42 Yasha dips out.
    • 03:15:00 “Everything’s better with Molly.”