As the title says, what are your favorite follower mods for Skyrim?

My favorite of the few I’ve tried so far are Lucien (for the character’s personality and follower framework with training skills) and Xelzaz (for the usefullness as a follower and his dialogue about Morrowind and House Telvanni).

If you don’t use any follower mods, who are your favorite vanilla followers?

  • idiotexeOP
    2 years ago

    As someone who always joins the Theives Guild, I am not a fan of Mjoll. I do always bring her back her sword, though. I like J’zargo too.

    Serana’s personality doesn’t irk me, but I don’t like using necromage followers because I always confuse their thralls for enemies, and sometimes they reanimate something stupid like a chicken or a skeever that doesn’t help us fight at all. On my current playthrough I have Meeko with me, but he keeps sitting in doorways and making me reload to revive him.