i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • GONADS125@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I feel the same, and I’ve been so pleased with the actual relevant and substantive discussion here on Lemmy. I’ve complained on reddit for years about how all relevant discussions were smothered out by irrelevant topics, jokes, and puns.

    There is no difference in the quality of discussion in the comments of r/Adviceanimals and r/TIL, and that signifies a broken system perpetuated by unhealthy and immature users.

    I’m sure this sort of low quality posting/comment behavior/culture will grow as the site becomes more popular and streamlined. But I think we’ve got at least a few years before that culture shift will overtake here. Watching reddit deteriorate into the cesspool it is today was like watching a slow-burning dumpster fire over the course of years. I’m just glad to have finally moved on from that toxic immature community. Bots and children outnumber healthy adult users on reddit anymore anyway…