The world has experienced its hottest day on record, according to meteorologists.

The average global temperature reached 17.01C (62.62F) on Monday, according to the US National Centres for Environmental Prediction.

The figure surpasses the previous record of 16.92C (62.46F) - set back in August 2016.

    1 year ago

    Your argument still boils down to the same logical fallacy that I’ve addressed already.

    Germany could deploy X amount of renewables. They had a chance to replace something in the grid. They chose to replace nuclear and keep coal, which is the same difference as if nuclear was replaced with coal. You wasted your chance at shutting down coal plants and instead got rid of a far cleaner energy source, out of fear.

    Also, France produces about 40-50 TWh more energy per year than Germany, which about accounts for their hydro advantage. The playing field is as even as it could be, which is why this example showcases the German energy policy’s abject failure. And sure, maybe you’ll only be pumping 10x as much CO2 to the atmosphere as the French for, say, 10-15 years – that’s a hypothetical compared to today’s reality, and even then, how will you justify that decade of environmental damage to future generations?

    Even on your own map, almost every country in Europe that’s not already in a lighter category is trending clearly down. Germany is one of the very few outliers, joining the pack with Poland, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Is that really all that Germany is capable of? Or are your priorities just clearly misplaced?

      1 year ago

      Your argument still boils down to the same logical fallacy that I’ve addressed already.

      No, my Argument since the first comment in this comment chain is that there are multiple sources of power other than coal and nuclear and no matter how often you point out that France has a lower CO2 footprint or how Germany could have prioritized phasing out coal, that very fact remains true and more importantly completely unaddressed.

      They chose to replace nuclear and keep coal, which is the same difference as if nuclear was replaced with coal.

      Talking about logical fallacies then arguing with this. You have two cars, a Pickup and an SUV. You sell your Pickup and get a Prius.
      Have you replaced your Pickup with an SUV?

        1 year ago

        No, but you could have sold the SUV instead to get the Prius. Your analogy fails beyond this point for the same reason your entire reasoning about nuclear fails: because you have chosen two cars that are the same level of harmful to the environment. Nuclear and fossils are not even close to the same level. So let’s rephrase this, so that it can actually convey the point we’re discussing:

        You have two cars, a diesel pickup and an electric pickup. You need two cars and have the opportunity to get a Prius. You sell the electric pickup to get a Prius, instead of the obvious move of selling the diesel pickup.

        Yes, technically you did not replace the electric pickup with a diesel truck. You just haven’t touched the diesel truck.

        Still, what you did is functionally equivalent of selling the diesel truck to get the Prius (which was the expected behavior), and then replacing the electric truck with a diesel truck because you hate electric trucks for some reason. And that is my point. I don’t consider your actions in a vacuum, I consider it in the context of your potential. At the end of the day, your fleet still consists of a diesel truck and a Prius, while it could have been an electric pickup and a Prius, which would have been far cleaner.

        In the meantime, your French friend sold their diesel pickup and now driving around with a BEV and a PHEV. And you complain that I point out that they did a much better job at reducing their environmental impact than you did. Which was my entire point from the beginning, not the technicality you insist on zeroing in on.

          1 year ago

          it can actually convey the point we’re discussing:

          I’ve understood the point you are making from the beginning.

          I just refuse to engage with it, because I’m not discussing enegy policy in the first place.

            1 year ago

            So you openly admit that you’re just detracting from it, focusing on a technicality.

            I’m not considering the surface-level meaning of your words here. I’m considering your actions, because it’s a hell of a lot harder to lie with actions than with words. And your actions clearly show that you’re just propping up Germany’s policy of shutting off nuclear and therefore having to run coal where they wouldn’t have had to – and your claim here also confirms that you’re willing to be disingenuous and borderline trollish to do that.

            But thank you for confirming that you’re out of arguments on that topic. I wish your country’s leaders could also be this reasonable, because their policy pollutes the same planet the rest of us are also stuck on.