• Firestorm Druid
    337 months ago

    I hate these fuckers so much. Ever since I started my new apprenticeship two months ago, it takes my SO and I a little longer than usual to do some basic cleaning around the flat, eg. it takes us a little longer to take out the trash, put dishes away and stuff like that. I swear, we have fruit flies here that have been here since before my apprenticeship started. We’ve tried a bunch of tips to varying degrees of success, but if we don’t pay attention to them for another day or two, a billion more of them pop up out of seemingly nowhere.

    I know that it’s our fault by not taking out the trash more often and stuff, but it’s just been so difficult these past few months to have any personal time at all, let alone take care of these little fuckers. Sometimes I just snap and start vacuuming them up out of pure rage, just to have a few days with them not littered across the flat.

    Sorry for the rant

    • @sidekickplayahOP
      217 months ago

      I read your username before the rant and now I can only imagine that a very pissed off magical apprentice in robes typed this out. Also that sucks, sorry you gotta deal with those fuckers

    • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Might not be your fault if you live near LA. They’ve been releasing sterile fruit flies to kill the next generation of fruit flies in the area. It’s to help fruit growers in the long term, but it led to increased flies in the short term.

      • Firestorm Druid
        37 months ago

        We’ve been using a glass with any kind of fruit paired with a funnel-shaped piece of paper with a small enough hole placed on top of the glass’ opening so that the flies can enter through the small opening but are usually too stupid to exit out of. What happens is that they all gather inside the glass, under the funnel, but can’t escape, so you can just release them all alive outside.

  • @Pregnenolone@lemmy.world
    257 months ago

    This one is built different. He knows he can make it. It’ll be different from the last 45 flies that have tried.