
  • quackers
    10 months ago

    That’s hard to do because it’s a very broad statement. What I would need to send depends on which parts of your beliefsystem are incomplete or incorrect. Or i’d be writing a two hour essay combining facts and conclusions. I’ll try to keep it short.

    You can easily conjure up statistics to back the claim that black people generally are poorer, and this does have a race-based history. However, underneath that is the class inequality, which because of the historic race inequality, means a lot of people of color being in the lower class.

    At this point in time, inequality between the ultrarich and poor (of all colors) is broadening faster than ever. People looking for someone to blame. Media directs them in one of two directions, both incorrect.
    a) The problem is migrants and communists who want to destroy tradition because they want free money.
    b) The problem is racists and bigots who just love to hate for the sake of it.
    These two factions are set up against eachother, reinforcing the need for the other’s existence.
    Now that’s not to say both sides are equally incorrect, don’t get me wrong. But for the most part, neither of them acknowledge the issue of corruption in government allowing things like lobbying and gerrymandering which essentially provides a way for cooperations and money interests to have bought and paid for politicians on both sides. Since the system is inherently set up for money to have different objectives than commoners, we get eaten.

    This is the underlying issue causing race issues in the first place. Tribalism is exploited by these people because commoners want answers they’re not getting. It happens on both sides and it does not address the underlying issue.

    Yes, racism exists, and it should be addressed. But you cannot fight racism with more racism. You attack the problem at it’s root instead.