• @lysdexic@programming.devOPM
    107 months ago

    This blog post writes a dissertation about garbage collection, heap memory management, the absolute need to take courses on assembly language, and other contrived and absurd tangents.

    Looking at the code, the guy gets a double-free because he instantiates two std::unique_ptr from the same raw pointer.

    I’m sure the author felt very clever to pull up all these topics to write a blog post about, but in the end all they’re doing is writing buggy code based on their misconception of a topic.

    • @5C5C5C@programming.dev
      7 months ago

      You can call it writing buggy code based on misconceptions, but the fact that it’s possible (and not even especially difficult) to misuse smart pointers badly enough to produce program crashes and undefined behavior is still a fundamental weakness of C++ as a language.

      As a counterexample, this type of bug is impossible to produce in Rust without explicitly using the unsafe keyword, and that keyword is something that is almost never used by regular developers and is an easy thing to audit for.

      Edit: That being said, if you’re stuck using C++ then obviously using smart pointers is the right thing to do whereas using raw pointers and managing the memory yourself is completely asinine, so if the author’s point is to not use smart pointers in C++ then I suppose they want you to just… Leak memory? Because if you’re able to figure out where it’s safe to free a raw pointer, then you’re able to figure out how to correctly use a smart pointer in that situation.

      • @lysdexic@programming.devOPM
        7 months ago

        the fact that it’s possible (and not even especially difficult) to misuse smart pointers

        Any tool can be misused, but there’s a saying about those who blame the tools.

        If you use a component designed to take over the ownership of an object but somehow make the mistake of assigning the same object to multiple components, the problem is not the language you’re using. The problem is that you aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing.

        • @5C5C5C@programming.dev
          27 months ago

          That’s awfully reductive.

          Tools can absolutely vary in their qualities and in their risks / benefits. I don’t know what kind of engineer wouldn’t evaluate their choice of tools before using them. If you have a tool that explodes in your face when it gets jostled, that’s a badly designed tool.

          If you have no other choice for the work you need to do, then okay… get very good at using the dangerous tool. But if an alternative tool exists that is not only safer but also more efficient, easier to use, and more productive in every use case then the biggest problem really is the choice of tool.

          • @lysdexic@programming.devOPM
            17 months ago

            That’s awfully reductive.

            It really isn’t. Otherwise there would be programming languages out there that would make it impossible to write buggy code, and there is nothing of the sort.

            Tools can absolutely vary in their qualities and in their risks / benefits.

            You still get bugs. This isn’t up for discussion. In fact, the only difference is that somehow you assert that C++ suffers from this issue but started to backpedal when any language other than C++ is brought into the picture. That hardly sounds like a personal assertion that’s grounded and well founded.

            • @5C5C5C@programming.dev
              27 months ago

              What exactly have I backpedaled on in any of my replies?


              Rust eliminates entire categories of bugs at compile time with performance that is on par with C++ and often better.

              I do get bugs in my Rust code, but do you want to know what they are? Once in a while I forget to type a ! in an if-statement. Or I accidentally type && when I meant to type ||. These mistakes are trivially caught in unit tests or with a single run of the application and easily fixed. It’s also very rare for me to actually make these mistakes. Almost every single time I compile my Rust code, everything works on the first try. But I confess, once in a while one of these minor bugs slips in there.

              So yes bugs are possible in every language. But there’s a lot to be said about what kinds of bugs are possible, what the risks of those bugs are, and what the process of mitigating them is like. A memory corruption bug is an entirely different beast from a simple Boolean logic bug.

      • @vzq
        27 months ago

        the fact that it’s possible (and not even especially difficult) to misuse smart pointers badly enough to produce program crashes and undefined behavior is still a fundamental weakness of C++ as a language

        I would argue it’s the natural state of C++. Crashes and UB lurk in every shadow, ready to pounce upon the unwary programmer.

        It’s a powerful tool, but it’s not very forgiving.

        • @5C5C5C@programming.dev
          27 months ago

          I agree that it’s the natural state of C++, and my point is that this is makes C++ not a good choice when an alternative that has all the strengths of C++ and none of the weaknesses exists.

      • @QuadriLiteral@programming.dev
        7 months ago

        I agree with what you’re saying even though I do think a lot of C++'s bad rep comes either from C or from pre-C++11 code. I also think that modern code should include clang-tidy in the CI, and if so at least simple mistakes like in OPs code would be flagged with “warning: Use of memory after it is freed [clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDelete]”


        Note that all of the warnings in there are valid and should be fixed, so it’s not like wading through a see of false positives. That being said, the post is interesting in its explanation of why the example does what it does. Too bad all of the other stuff in there is bonkers.

        • @5C5C5C@programming.dev
          27 months ago

          Linters are good and should absolutely be used in any serious C++ project, but they can only catch the most basic sources of UB. I almost never make a mistake that a static analyzer can catch. It’s the multithreaded lifetime issues and data races that ambush you the hardest, and I don’t see any way a C++ static analyzer could hope to catch those.

          But yes, most of the original post is bonkers and has the totally wrong conclusion.

  • @vzq
    7 months ago

    I’ve been using unique_ptr since way before it was called that, and it’s not something magical. You need to know what it does and what it doesn’t or you’ll be surprised.

    I always thought of unique as a warning not a guarantee. Make sure it’s the only thing pointing at your structure, or you’ll be in trouble.

    • @lysdexic@programming.devOPM
      17 months ago

      You need to know what it does and what it doesn’t or you’ll be surprised.

      I don’t think that std::unique_ptr is shrouded in mystery: it’s designed to be the unique handle of a raw pointer, and it frees the memory when it’s lifetime ends. As it’s designed to be the unique holder of a resource, it’s implemented to disallow making copies. It might be implemented in clever ways, but a developer experience point of view it’s quite straight to the point.

    • @lysdexic@programming.devOPM
      17 months ago

      “They say C++ is specified in an international standard, but there is behavior that’s left undefined. Are they lazy, or did their printer ran out of ink?”