One of the hurdles to change for users switching from reddit to a federated platform is less content. The logic goes: “smaller community, less content, I can see i’m missing out on stuff over there so I’m not going to switch away”.

One potential solution to this would be automated cross-posting, using bots or similar. Obviously there are cons to this approach, which we are all likely aware of.

What are your thoughts on focusing efforts in this direction to drive faster user growth? Good because it will drive more users to consider jumping ship given that it reduces FOMO? Bad because it makes the place look less community spirited and genuine and different?

    1 year ago

    Now that I’ve been here a couple of weeks, is chock full of recent reddit immigrants saying we need this, this, and this. Are these people going to do the programming? Nope.

    We need to focus on posting, responding and communicating so that this place has more content.

    People who will remain at an exploitative corporate website to avoid the inconvenience are not people I’m interested in trying to sell the fediverse to.