To get arms for its Gaza war, Israel is drawing on a U.S. arms stockpile. Joe Biden wants to remove all the restrictions on the arms.

    47 months ago

    …but doing the same for Ukraine, who is very unambiguously the good guy in the Ukrainian war (as they’re simply defending their territory) would be “too provocative”.

    Give me a fucking break.

    37 months ago

    Great move, some say the best move. As nearly all the world is backing the cleansing of Palestinians this will be great news for many. Europe will finally get more borders with Russia. All will love US big time, and Biden will be replaced next election. This is 12 dimensional chess. Strong mind man fixes it again!

  • Silverseren
    27 months ago

    This article is inaccurate or at least misleading in its title presentation. It’s reporting on something that happened on October 20th, as the second paragraph notes, and was never actually enacted. In fact, Biden moved back from this and has been instead moving to restrict all weaponry sales to Israel in the past few days.

    Biden has not been in any form of good light in my eyes in the past two months, but please don’t spread fake or misleading information like this.

  • livus
    17 months ago

    This is beginning to look like hubris in the classical sense. These actions are alienating a large number of people outside the West.