• UltragrampsOPM
    8 months ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪ ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:17:15 Vax:“Everything leads back to the hole.”
    • 00:22:15 Vax:“See? I wasn’t just fucking with you last week. That’s a thing we do.”
    • 00:25:07 Liam:“Tastes like Two Buck Chuck” (the cheapest wine at Trader Joe’s)
    • 00:26:10 Historic Crit Moment Sam’s first Scanlan song parody
    • 00:28:45 Scanlan:“Like a goblin centipede?” (referencing the recent Human Centipede movie)
    • 00:33:45 Laura:“Can I ask a question?”
      Hieris:“Ah, yes.”
      Laura:“Not to you, to the other guy, Matt.”
    • 00:34:45 Hieris:“I’ve got two chairs and you could fit in my lap (indicating to Scanlan”
      Scanlan:“I’ve killed.”
    • 00:49:30 Tiberius is muted by a wizard
    • 00:53:16 “Oh, hello.” Marisha attempts a Dwarvish/Gaelic accent
    • 00:54:45 Vax:“Good sir dwarf. Clearly we are idiots.”
      Thunderbrand:“That’s the first true thing you’ve said since you’ve called me out of my home!”
    • 00:59:08 Sam:“Open your vulva!”
      Matt:“That’s not what it’s called…”
    • 02:02:20 Matt:“You’re taking damage, fool.”
    • 02:02:30 Travis:“Ach! I’m not raging?!”
      Matt:“You haven’t raged yet. It isn’t your turn yet.” Travis:“But I’m so angry.”
    • 02:03:52 Vax performs a “reacharound attack” on an umber hulk.
    • 02:08:56 Historic Crit Moment The first cooing of the Metapigeon
    • 02:21:00 Travis:“With my frenzied rage renewed, I run towards the water, haunted by nightmares of Sebastian in the Little Mermaid, and I leap into the water and start slashing and slashing.”
    • 02:43:28 Liam:“Fuck those Wizards of the Coast, man! I do what I wanna do!”
      Marisha:“Fucking Seattle assholes.”
    • 02:45:10 Historical Crit Moment: Grog is hit with an intelligence attack for 8 points from an Intellect Devourer. With only 6 in that stat, Grog falls unconscious for the first stream K.O. “It’s like when I tried to read 50 Shades of Grey (groans).” - Travis
    • 02:57:18 Matt:“You yell out, (speaks angry gibberish)!” (it is supposed to be the Duregar word for ‘surrender’)
  • UltragrampsOPM
    18 months ago

    Battle Cam!

    Grog is down!