Right now it feels like a lot of extra work to do it right. So I just postponed watching valuable content, because I need it to watch while taking notes. It is different to when I just watched videos and felt smart for a minute. Only to forget about it in a week…

  • Emotional_Series7814
    11 months ago

    So I just postponed watching valuable content, because I need it to watch while taking notes. It is different to when I just watched videos and felt smart for a minute. Only to forget about it in a week…

    I don’t have the energy to watch everything right away, but I can just send it to a Read/Watch It Later area or copy/paste the URL into a “to be processed later” area.

  • @PsychrolutesMarcidusOP
    211 months ago

    I just gave up. Instead of making notes myself on BASB method. I just found two summaries and add it to my folder about BASB

  • @BlueSharkEnjoyer
    111 months ago

    I find having the annotator plugin for my PDFs helps, as I can make my notes in the first pass including explicitly making all the links I want to to other documents.

    Previously I’d do a quick read through and then a very detailed read to make notes manually. Finding the energy for the 2nd step was sometimes a challenge.

  • @henrikx@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    15 months ago

    I feel like sometimes I watch something to actually learn about that thing whereas other times it’s more about being entertained and I found the topic interesting.