The UAW won’t be fighting its next battle alone, either. One of the most interesting aspects of the new UAW tentative agreements at Ford, GM, and Stellantis is that they are all timed to expire on April 30, 2028. If those contracts expire without reaching a satisfactory new deal, the UAW will be ready to strike on May Day, otherwise known as International Workers Day.

What’s more, the UAW hopes it won’t be hitting the picket lines alone. Fain has called on other unions to time their contracts to expire during the same period and “flex [their] collective muscles.” No, you’re not imagining things — the head of a major US labor union is calling on the rest of the movement to come together and start planning a general strike.

    11 months ago

    I hope Mr. Fain keeps good security around him. His actions are challenging the current order and threatening both the billionaire and political classes. There is no doubt in his mind that there are members of those classes working out how to make him disappear from the public stage, one way or another. He would not be the first labor leader in this nation to come to a violent end at the hands of corporate or political leaders.