Not much activity here. I would expect mass moving from reddit specially on communities like anti-work where some kind of concepts like strikes are familiar.
I am honestly… Baffled.
Patience, this is the public internet, where nobody is doing marketing to create conversations, that is a huge change. There are a lot of communities right now (and more than 5 million of users), if you don’t find content is partially your fault
Is coming once the apps are created. I hope they each form their own federations. I wanna be in the sync federation personally
I’m considering starting communities I want on here and poaching all the content off reddit. Like say holdmybeer, literally just downloading from reddit and uploading here to try and get it off the ground.
Especially baffling considering that a community of people whose single guiding light is hatred for soul-less corporations should not depend on a platform that’s hosted and controlled by a soul-less corporation…
Same reason most don’t want to leave reddit. They don’t want to deal with inconvenience.
The anti work subreddit is held by the balls by interest groups that stiffle any dissent quickly im guessing the current mods are comprised and are unwilling to let go of their power and allow people to leave. Also lemmy hadd filtered alot of the less than tech savy folks
What do you mean by interesting groups? I didnt noticed, but i was mostly a lurker anyway