Plus switching from the subscription model to a one-time fee for commercial PC-only license. Nice.

I enjoyed this part of the announcement:

We have seen other platforms making awkward moves with their pricing and terms, so we thought, what if we did the opposite

I wonder who they could possibly be referencing 🤔

    67 months ago

    Plus switching from the subscription model to a one-time fee for commercial PC-only license. Nice.

    I was here to joke about Godot, but that’s actually fantastic.

      37 months ago

      I agree. It’s refreshing after what Unity did.

      But after what Unity did, it’s not surprising to see everyone on edge.

      Trust in proprietary software will continue to drop as more companies do shady things like Google, Microsoft, and Unity do.

      Godot is a good game engine, and so is GameMaker.

      But given that Godot is FOSS, I suspect educators will begin to use Godot more than Gamemaker.

  • Linkyu
    47 months ago

    Well that was unexpected! I’m glad to see them go back to a one-time fee, that previous switch was basically the final nail in the coffin that cemented my migration to Godot at the time