Herbert F. (84) has been in a Taliban dungeon in Kabul for six months: the right-wing extremist blogger from Vienna had traveled to the Islamist country in the Hindu Kush despite warnings. He had wanted to show that, contrary to the opinion of experts, Afghanistan was a safe country of origin and that refugees could be deported there without hesitation - and proved the exact opposite.

  • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Is he charged with a crime or did he do a stupid international venture that is a continuation on the theme of his ridiculous political movement? Do leaders of racist boomer political movements deserve anonymity? Why couldn’t he keep it confined to VierChan?

    Edit: were it the case that his privacy was of primacy, why did it explicilty link him to his little “movement”?

    • rentar42@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Is he charged with a crime

      Apparently by the Taliban, yes.

      But in Europe that is not sufficient to lose the right to anonymity (and it shouldn’t be, it’s incredibly easy to get charged, no matter whether anything bad happened).

      Do leaders of racist boomer political movements deserve anonymity?

      He isn’t a leader of anything. Hasn’t ever been (even when he was a founding member, he wasn’t the leader).

      He is a nobody (as he should be). And as such he deserves anonymity, yes. Just because he tried to change himself back into no-a-nobody doesn’t mean he has succeeded.

      Why couldn’t he keep it confined to VierChan?

      Nazis are gonna Nazi.

      Edit regarding your edit: yeah, that seems pretty fishy. I don’t think they should have mentioned it, but with enough inside knowledge you’d probably find him by just “84 year old right-wing extremist blogger from Austria”. That is (fortunately) not a huge population. I suspect (and this is purely speculation) that the authors don’t think he deserves anonymity (so they include enough information to find out who it is), but do think they shouldn’t “advertise” his cause (so they make it easy to ignore who he is). Similar to how media outlets in the US have finally decided to not publish the names of mass shooters: there is very little public benefit in publishing it and a very real risk of it encouraging others.

      • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        suspect authors don’t think he deserves anonymity

        They’re absolutely correct in that assessment and I will defend to the death (forgive my choice of words) the hilarity and their moral correctness for having done so. These people all wanna be famous anyway, how else was he planning on proving his point that its safe?

        Also why should his cause be ignored? Evil florishes in darkness, I really don’t get why you’re defending this guy, particularly when I fee like its such a flimsy case.

        Also these folks are born martyrs

        • rentar42@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          Out of curiosity: when you first asked, did you want to have the reason explained or were you just in it to argue your position? Because we might have gone into this exchange with different goals.

          • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            You might have to refesh me as to which point you’e referring to. I’ll try to lighten up a little, I’m just having a hard time containing my Schadenfreud. I kinda can’t believe he didn’t have any like-minded travel companions who similarly believed in his mission

            Edit: something, something, friends and clerics along the way

            • rentar42@kbin.social
              10 months ago


              How is his lastname a single letter?

              Oh, and don’t get me wrong: My Schadenfreude is off the charts. I wouldn’t actively wish this on anyone (despite all his crimes and stupidity there’s a pretty good chance that the “charges” are in fact bullshit), but he’s not very high up the list of people I’d shed a tear for.

              It’s just that I don’t believe that tearing down privacy rights to drive an aggressive media frenzy for 24-hour news has shown itself to be particularly good at avoiding fascism.

              • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                He doesn’t nor should he have a privacy right. He lost that the moment he began a public political movement in my view. Do you seriously refer to Merkel as Angela M? I think Europe has bigger problems than giving narcissists shade from their fame

                • rentar42@kbin.social
                  10 months ago

                  He doesn’t nor should he have a privacy right.

                  Well, then we’re in disagreement.

                  I suspect that might be one of degrees, but it could also be more fundamental. I don’t have the desire to continue this to drill down exactly.

                  As for Angela M: you can find my answer to that specific question upthread.

                  • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Its ok dude, aha. Where can I read more about this “right to privacy” and who’s covered or in which jurisdictions etc.

                    I actually mean that with 100% good-faith, I’m vaguely familar with the general concept (even in horrific crimes) but I don’t see how it extends to an international context like what we have here.

                    If he tried to come to Canada would we not be allowed to publicize and document that according to the way things are done here or should we defer to Europe’s niceties in covering the news in our own country?

      • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Since we’re breaking out the big boy quotes:

        charges by the Taliban

        Is the Taliban recognized as a legitimate State that has the power to criminally charge in an internationally recognized way? Can the Taliban call in favors from INTERPOL? Could be awkward…


        He’s not charged with a crime in Europe which would be the relevant jurisdiction, wouldn’t it?

        isn’t a leader

        Sorry, founder, well in that case, I guess he gets a pass. Did the founder of the Nazis get the same courtesy or was it just the leader. Also, you’re saying that political party founder’s info is nowhere in public filings or records? Sounds problematic. People who like to stat anonymous don’t usually found national political parties trying to usher in the “good ol’ days” especially

        he’s a nobody

        See previous point, not sure the facts or law are on your side with that. That’s more “table-banging” territory

        Nazis gonna Nazi

        There’s that smile I love ;) I’m just glad we could agree at the end but sadly the “Junges sind Junges” defense is also not internationally recognized aha

        He’ll be fine, these guys are all about pulling onself up by their Nazi bootstraps and bootstrap their way to freedom and political autonomy. I have compelete faith in his competency to stand trial in Afghanistan, they tend to worry about that in passing judgement so he picked the right place to start his next political movement/chapter

        I’m rootin’ for him, this is a true UnterHund story