Come January, the GOP will control every elected statewide office in Louisiana after Republicans swept three runoff races for attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer Saturday night.

The GOP success, in a state that has had a Democrat in the governor’s office for the past eight years, means that Republicans secured all of Louisiana’s statewide offices for the first time since 2015. In addition, the GOP holds a two-third supermajority in the House and Senate.

Liz Murrill was elected as attorney general, Nancy Landry as secretary of state and John Fleming as treasurer. The results also mean Louisiana will have its first female attorney general and first woman elected as secretary of state.

Saturday’s election completes the shaping of Louisiana’s executive branch, where most incumbents didn’t seek reelection and opened the door for new leadership in some of the most powerful positions.

    11 months ago

    So now that democrats are no longer a problem, Louisiana is going to become a thriving bastion of freedom and unprecedented economic growth because of the laws and policies that republicans are going to implement to help everyone… right? Right??

        11 months ago

        Same as last time - undoing the budget surplus, massive tax giveaways to oil and gas, and shutting off the tap to anything that helps anyone who doesn’t give campaign contributions. Last time, they closed all of our state hospitalsand laid off large swathes of the state work force, and bankrupted the state’s employee insurance fund. This time, I am willing to bet they gut the emergency fund at the first opportunity.

          11 months ago

          Neoliberalism doesn’t build, it extracts.

          Societies that don’t build don’t stand for long, and then are forgotten by time because they left nothing to show for themselves.

            11 months ago

            MAGA Republicans are basically the opposite of neoliberals.

            Also the idea that neoliberalism “doesn’t build” makes no sense at all

                11 months ago

                MAGA is grounded on protectionist, anti-immigrant isolationism. Those three things are all inimical to neoliberalism

                    11 months ago

                    Well Trump blew up NAFTA, imposed immigration restrictions based on nationality, wants to end US involvement in NATO and the UN, pulled money out of the WHO, and also pushed for significant tariffs that started a trade war, so all of his actual policies are the opposite of neoliberalism

              11 months ago

              I disagree flat out. MAGA is fullblown neoliberal. They don’t want to regulate corporations, they don’t want to raise taxes, they want to cut, dismantle regulatory control and shutter the government, allowing those who can to loot unfettered and unimposed. There’s a phrase, it’s not a war crime if it’s the first time; that feels applicable here.

              What am I not seeing, how is MAGA not the trickledown zombie if Reagan corpse? Shit, Reagan used the phrase first.

              Whats been built in the past 40 years? In America. I don’t see any bullet trains, I see stroads. I see some new high rises, but none that push any limits, except maybe the millennium tower in SF, and I assumed we were good letting Pisa hold the leaning tower title, but maybe I assumed wrong.

              I’m wracking my head trying to think of a single American innovation that wasn’t A. Created by DARPA and the public got the militaries hand me downs (GPS, IBM, Internet, Hubble) or B. Heavily subsidized to fund research and contracts/ preordered by the government.

              Capitalists don’t innovate. They build systems for wealth extraction. Let’s look at the capitalist golden boy, Apple. There was and is no innovation with the iPhone. Phones already existed. So did cameras and MP3 players. Nothing new about a touchscreen or a GUI interface, the iPhone took all these elements and basic microcomputer parts, put it all together, renamed programs as ‘apps’, and charged $500 for it at a time when cell phones sold off at $200 high end. There is almost no change between models just stronger conponents, they just bricked old ones with updates and bloat forcing upgrading. Which is beyond fucked up. And since the 5c, at least, Apple has just purchased it’s components from Samsungs waste bin. For over a decade buying a new $1000 iPhone was the same as buying a 2 year old Samsung, just with lipstick on the pig.

              For a good sized segment an iPhone is a status thing. Those with one judge others and look down on them. It works both ways. Those who have an iPhone, I judge to be suckers and idiots. Because y’all got swindled by the greatest swindling modern history. Paying premium for bargain bin tech. Smh.

              What reseach wasn’t paid for with public money yet the dividends all end up privately gained? What a fucking shell game capitalists play. We’re all taken for fools. They don’t create jobs, they took over existing industries, lay offs for efficiency, repress competition, merge into monopolies, then it’s the enshitification <- where we are now, where user gets fucked, businesses get fucked, but it’s a monopoly so what can we all do? Amazon, Google, 2 textbook examples of

              Ever wonder why all the billionaires scramble for government contracts? Seriously. All of them. Show me a rich person not on the teat of the fed. I’m going to go with that’s because there are no private contracts at that level. Not that there couldn’t be, but that would require innovation and risk, and, again, Capitalists don’t do that. Why would they? Perfect example. Take Shell, or Chevron. Why wouldn’t they, in the 80s start to pivot towards solar and wind? They were the leaders of the energy secter, positioning emerging technology is R+D mixed with ROI. Surely they had people to crunch those numbers. But instead, what does history show they did? Suppress the climate studies, hire the mercs with PhDs to muddy the waters, and extract extract extract. They already have all this infrastructure paid for by the public in tax breaks. They’re gonna use that earning potential until it costs more to operate than they can write off, or get tax breaks for.

              All the way until they’ve fucked the climate for everyone else.

              Not that they care. If capitalism has an underpinning catch all catch phrase it’s, without a doubt, “I got Mine, Fuck you” silhouetted over a picture of someone pulling a ladder up behind them.

                11 months ago

                There was and is no innovation with the iPhone. Phones already existed


                Needless to say

                I disagree flat out. MAGA is fullblown neoliberal

                You have no clue what you’re talking about

                  11 months ago

                  NeoLiberal refers to lassaiz-faire capitalism. Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet, Marty Friedman and the Chicago school of economics. Ayn Rand.

                  NeoLiberal has nothing to do with social policy. It doesn’t care who is sucking who’s dick at church or who’s marrying their first cousin in their backyard bud light lazy river.

                  NeoLiberal = trickledown = Reaganomics

                  In actuality it’s translated as corporatocracy.

                  What part of Donald Trump is against ANY of that? It is entirely the NeoLiberal revolution of the 80s, and daddies money, that allowed Trump the opportunity to rise in NYC.

                  Fill me in. Enlighten me. I’ll be waiting.

                    11 months ago

                    Neoliberalism is not laissez-faire. Neoliberalism absolutely contains an entire philosophy of social policy (Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal and was the first major US politician of the modern era to support healthcare reform).

                    Neoliberalism is pro free trade, seeks market solutions but believes the government should work to address externalities, and is pro immigration and and anti-isolationist

                    NeoLiberal = trickledown = Reaganomics

                    There is nothing about Neoliberalism that requires Reagan’s tax/economic views. As neoliberalism is essentially the policy of “follow economic orthodoxy” it’s more accurate to say that Neoliberalism requires dissent from Reagan’s views.

                    Donald Trump is explicitly a protectionist nativist who supports isolationism as a foreign policy. He is the opposite of a neoliberal.

                    You can not like neoliberalism, that’s fine. But things you don’t like can be different things.

                11 months ago

                Well Democrats are not a neoliberal bloc, but an alliance of beliefs across the spectrum, so it’s a bad choice to paint them all with one brush. I’d personally love if the Dems were all neolibs, but they do nothing in lockstep.

                To try and suggest that Democrats do not have policy goals they pursue is a pretty big stretch. Biden’s admin had several significant policy victories, and yes, they include student loan reform.

                The BBB initiative and specifically the Inflation Reduction Act is the single largest green initiative in the nation’s history, with significant manufacturing subsidies, so implying they “aren’t building” makes no sense.

                    11 months ago

                    They’re absolutely pathetic and can’t do jack fucking shit.

                    I believe your knowledge of how politics actually functions is roughly equatable to your knowledge of economics.

      11 months ago

      Just look at the last thirty or so years in Texas for your answer.

      Everyone I know is miserable and sees no way out.