Gaming, news, tech, general literature. All of these are somewhat thriving, with a steady influx of posts and comments. At the same time, the userbase is sorely lacking for more niche communities. In my case it’d be stuff like poetry, yoga, religion, linguistics, meditation. Or many other communities I’d doubt they’d form a larger userbase here, at least to the degree that it’d foster good discussions. Communities where there are a larger amount of “normal people”, that are not tech-aware, and who have no interest in migrating off centralized corporate solutions. That just want a large space to discuss what they’re interested in.

This for me at least, makes it hard to completely leave reddit (or even Facebook and their groups!). Do you think the fediverse will ever reach the point where this would become a non-issue?

    1 year ago

    I think what you’re doing so far is key. And it’s really the hard part. The rest is just being a friendly place.

    No one wants to be one of those 5 people howling into the void when something is getting started, but it needs to be done to demonstrate that people are willing to participate. You might also consider posting easy polls or open ended questions to invite engagement. (If you haven’t)

      1 year ago

      this is my mindset. its gonna take some of us to kick things off. i do it in my mags where im the main one posting

      1 year ago

      howling into the void

      Yep that’s what feels like, and it’s part of starting a community because how is anyone going to find you if you’re not making any noise?

      It’s actually exciting. During my first week around here, someone framed it as the shift from consuming content to making contact and I found that really compelling

      The other thing I’m thinking about is how the other site was like joining a conversation, but here we are starting conversations