The chief justice doesn’t like his conservative Supreme Court colleagues getting called out for judicial overreach.

  • bryanuc
    351 year ago

    To borrow a phrase from Roberts, the best way to stop criticism that the court is “going beyond the proper role of the judiciary” is for the court to stop going beyond the proper role of the judiciary.

    This, right here, is my favorite line of the article.

  • JayJay
    1 year ago

    Does anybody care what The Supreme Court justices think? They are all narcissistic crooks.

    • Kavanaugh yelled at his interviewers and rambled on about his love for drinking beer through his butt-hole (how do you qualify for any job after that?)
    • Clarence is a soulless, political hack
    • RGB was too full of herself to step down in a timely manner
    • Barrett claims to be Christian, but took her position predicated on a lie and in bad faith

    None of the justices want oversight, even though there is rampant bribing taking place among their ranks.

    All of recent major decisions have upended legal precedent which is the entire foundation of our law. With judges who will not respect legal precedent, what’s really the point in giving a shit. The rules are made up now, and the scores don’t matter.

    • admiralteal
      1 year ago

      The main notable from Clarence’s hearings were the very convincing rape accusations. He may have an absolutely ineffable personal philosophy that can be better described by his list of personal grudges rather than any coherent framework, but he’s also probably a rapist. Not that he’s the only conservative justice with that claim…

      And don’t forget about Alito and the absolutely smoothbrain things he repeatedly puts into writing. Like in Sackett vs EPA just recently, in which Alito asserted that the EPA’s specific assignment of keeping federal waterways & wetlands clean doesn’t include oversight over the direct tributaries to those environments because the law says they only can do so for “adjacent” waterways and “adjacent” MUST mean a continuous, undammed surface connection and not things like groundwater. Anyone who knows anything about water knows that only a blithering idiot would dare commit such an insanely stupid belief to paper, yet here we are. And this is just a recent example, his whole career is filled with moron nuggets because he is a moron.

    • AdventureSpoon
      41 year ago

      Barrett claims to be Christian, but took her position predicated on a lie and in bad faith

      Sounds perfectly christian to me

    • Drusas
      31 year ago

      The problem is that the rules are made up, but the scores matter tremendously.

  • katy ✨
    1 year ago

    Just as soon as conservative justices stop being corrupt

    • flta
      61 year ago

      And stop engaging in political gamesmanship where they purposely tie their retirements to Republican Presidents among other GOP fuckery. John Roberts, if he actually cared about the integrity of the court, would resign now so Biden could appoint his replacement and try to reverse the politicization of the court.

      • DarkMatterStyx
        11 year ago

        I find it far more likely that Roberts would be abducted by Aliens in the middle of hearing arguments before he would resign.

  • style99
    1 year ago

    If they think criticism is unpleasant, just wait until they see what awaits them in their eternity.

  • deaconblue
    61 year ago

    In an alternate universe somewhere, Roberts penalizes Alito and Thomas for turning the court into their personal atm

  • Drusas
    41 year ago

    The Supreme Court just fills me with such impotent fury. They are so openly corrupt and partisan, and there is nothing any of us can do about it short of violent revolution, which is obviously not going to happen.

  • flta
    21 year ago

    I am begging John Roberts that if he cares about the integrity of the courts, he should resign under Biden instead of engaging in same political gamesmanship that his right wing colleagues have engaged in.

  • skellener
    11 year ago

    Conservative Supreme Court Justice doesn’t understand the 1st Amendment

    • Yewb
      121 year ago

      Quit falling for identity politics its us versus the ultra rich

    • DeepFriedDresden
      81 year ago

      First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That’s the entire reason they aren’t elected.

      Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it’s pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn’t walk, talk and look like you.