• SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
    1 年前

    Nothing you said supports the claim that voting for the “lesser evil” always pushes the economy further right.

    Voting for abolition ended slavery. Voting for pro civil rights party got us civil rights. Voting for pro-labor politicians got us labor protections and the new deal. And in recent years, Trump oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth to the elite rich in history, while Biden has installed the most aggressively progressive FTC in a century. Against this history of obvious progress, what actual evidence does this guy cite?

    • TokenBoomer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 年前

      Voting for abolition ended slavery.

      During the civil war, not at the ballot box.

      Voting for pro civil rights party got us civil rights.

      After years of protests and violence, not at the ballot box.

      Voting for pro-labor politicians got us labor protections and the new deal.

      After years of social movements, strikes, violence and a the Great Depression. Not at the ballot box.

      Most significant political changes in America happen in the streets, not at the ballot box.

      • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
        1 年前

        It was obviously both. The violence without actually implementing the political policies would have been pointless.

        Show me an example where voting for the lesser evil leads to the adoption of more right wing policies. That is the specific claim you are supposedly defending.

        • TokenBoomer@lemmy.worldOP
          1 年前

          It’s not my opinion, it’s August Nimtz’s. I do agree with it though. FDR did the New Deal. Lincoln did the Emancipation, LBJ did civil rights. Public opinion was a factor, but it was the threat of social unrest that enacted them. As for the example of right wing policies, each Democrat caters to corporations. Maybe not as much as the Republicans, but they still do. After Reagan, we voted for the lesser evil Clinton, who did Welfare Reform and repealed Glass-Steagall. After Bush, we voted for the lesser evil Obama, and change. There was no change, he kept Bush’s surveillance state, did more drone strikes and the War on Terror. Promised healthcare, but borrowed it from Romney and the Heritage Foundation. Then after Trump, we settled for the lesser evil and Biden. Who promised his corporate funders that “nothing would fundamentally change.” We still don’t have healthcare, no campaign finance reform, no student loan forgiveness, scuttled a railroad strike, and is currently complicit in a genocide. If you think we are headed in the right direction; by all means vote for Biden. I see the systemic problems with the electoral duopoly and have no misconceptions that if we continue on this path, social unrest will facilitate the state to quell strikes, protests and riots. Business as usual never necessitates change, only the threat of violence from a social movement can do that. But we need to do that now, before it’s too late. I’m not telling you who to vote for, I will vote for Biden myself. But I’m under no illusion about the situation we are in, and what it takes to get out of it. I’m just disseminating information I found helpful and encouraging. It is better to be an informed electorate than an uninformed one.

          • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
            1 年前

            You haven’t shown how Democrats led to a further move to the right compared to Republicans. For example, Obama tried to pass universal healthcare with a public option. Zero Republicans voted for it, and the public option was defeated by independent Joe Lieberman. If there were one more Democrat in the senate, we would’ve had universal healthcare.

            Meanwhile, Republicans under Trump literally tried to repeal Obamacare. The reason why progressive policies don’t pass is NOT because too many people vote for Democrats, but because too few do.

              • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
                1 年前

                That’s ridiculously untrue. You’re looking at two examples.

                How about Civil Rights, the New Deal, Women’s suffrage, Pure food and drug act, the Meat Inspection act, Social Security, Medicare, the Sherman Act, Glass-Steagall Act, minimum wage laws, workers compensation laws, and on and on and on.

                  • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
                    1 年前

                    Yes because the American public shifted to the right post Reagan, in reaction to the Cold War and stagflation. Dems reacted by shifting to the median voter, to neoliberalism, especially because the left keeps listening to bad advice and staying home instead of voting.

            • TokenBoomer@lemmy.worldOP
              1 年前

              You haven’t shown how Democrats led to a further move to the right compared to Republicans.

              They ain’t moving left.

              For example, Obama tried to pass universal healthcare with a public option. Zero Republicans voted for it, and the public option was defeated by independent Joe Lieberman. If there were one more Democrat in the senate, we would’ve had universal healthcare.

              Before Sinema, it was Manchin. Before Manchin, it was Lieberman. And if it wasn’t them, it would have been another Democrat. They’re always one vote away. Curious.

              The reason why progressive policies don’t pass is NOT because too many people vote for Democrats, but because too few do.

              Yeah, why do Progressives’ always have to ask for more rights and a better standard of living? Can’t they just be happy with the way things are?

              • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
                1 年前

                None of these respond to my points. Democrats passed Obamacare. They were one vote away from going even further left with a public option. Meanwhile, Republicans were ALL votes away from any healthcare reform. Claiming that Democrats made the country go further right than Republicans is completely bizarre.

                • TokenBoomer@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 年前

                  Is it? The Affordable Care Act was a palliative. It served its purpose of pretending to solve a problem, but making it worse. Life expectancy is declining, housing is becoming unaffordable, college tuition continues to rise, there’s a mental health epidemic. Even when Democrats have had control of Congress and the Presidency, nothing substantial changes. Maybe next time, right?

                  • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
                    1 年前

                    Yes, the US should’ve also passed a public option. That would’ve made the US system very similar to those in Scandinavian countries (who don’t have single payer btw). But again the reason we didn’t get it is not because we had too many Democrats! Remember: that’s the extreme thesis you’re defending and providing no evidence for.

                    How do Scandinavian countries get their progressive policies? It’s not by voting for the right leaning party!

                  • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
                    1 年前

                    Yes it’s pretty disappointing. And even worse, during Trump, the US was much closer to repealing Obamacare than extending it.

                    But why describe this as Democrats coasting instead of blaming Republicans? Are you expecting Democrats to expand publicly funded healthcare without control of the House, and barely controlling the Senate with two conservative Dems?