What’s been going on outside the world of Arknights for ya?

  • Kotking@mastodon.social
    2 years ago

    @Xperr7 Trying to work out how to use Federation protocol to the max and getting stuck on unexpected bugs. I will do some shenanigans and reply to myself in a chain of fediverse accounts to see if it even works or when it breaks. Also will tag #mArknights to see how it will look like, so please bear with me on this experiment.

    • Kotking@hub.hubzilla.de
      2 years ago

      @Kotking Seems like Hubzilla works same way as Mastodon in terms of seeing messages. It’s sees only Topic starter and immediate responses/reply’s. I hope my <sup>reply</sup> will not go to <sub>topic starter</sub> but to direct


      . Also playing around with styles that are

      Klicke zum Öffnen/Schließen


      to hubzilla. Will post screenshots how Hubzilla looks like in terms of interaction with fediverse, kbin in this case, as reply to this post. Hubzilla is a good starting point for little projects, but for discoverability and interaction better use Kbin site. Mastodon is also good for discoverability but you have to use hastags like #marknights that we force for our magazine use, adding more hashtags means more people can stumble upon you but you can only search via 1 hashtag which limits scope compared to using kbin to search for info. So you can use any fediverse compatible site to talk if you paste web address of the post/message/ etc in the search field of your own service/instance.