The Dungeon threw this Gift at me on the first floor (Grand Welcome).

For full disclaimer, I got another resources generating Gift mid-run, and my team was full Lust. This is still a perfectly ridiculous stack of resources to have when entering the final boss.

Guess I can… have Pride about this run B)

  • DanchouNero
    11 year ago

    With EGO gifts like that, maybe MD 2 is easier than I thought haha

    I still haven’t done too much of it because of how easy breezy MD 1 is in comparison, but it seems like maybe I missed some of the fun stuff

    • @LeGaosaureOP
      11 year ago

      Can’t say I’m finding it easy so far, it’s manageable but long and I don’t think I can risk stopping paying full attention =') I only started my 4th run today, so there’s still tons of stuff I didn’t see, but I saw some Gifts that looks super interesting for specific builds and I’m curious to see if they really make them work!

      That being said… Almost 300 Pride is still hilarious to me x’)