I’m using the ConbeeII stick on a RPi3 and recently a few of my zigbee devices has just dropped out of the zigbee network. Only battery powered devices from what I can tell. I can delete them and add them again, and then they work for some time, maybe hours, maybe days, but they all just stop reporting any status updates.
I thought perhaps updating ConbeeII to the latest firmware would help, but it appears it didn’t.
Anything I can do to fix this? Other than buying a new stick of a different brand?
Likely to do with signal strength and the power of the antennas.
I had similar issues but I solved it by adding a couple repeaters (outlets) near the devices that were giving me a hard time
The thing that really helped me was using my philips hue bulbs with my zigbee device directly instead of through the hue hub. That made the mesh network extend to the entire house instantly, because the lights have constant power and act as repeaters automatically.
I’m using an Electrolama zzh with an extension cord and it works perfectly, because there’s essentially 1-4 repeaters in every room.
Same but with Ikea Trådfri bulbs
I’m curious too how the ikea tradfri bulbs work. Can I just pair them via zigbee2mqtt?
I totally missed this but basically you have to just put the bulbs in pairing mode–6 on and off (note that it has to be with 1 second pauses between each on/off cycle–that threw me off).
But after that it will show up as a zigbee device same as any–no IKEA hub required
How are the Trådfri bulbs? I haven’t tried them out yet. It’d be good to have a cheaper option.