Only 17% of Arab American voters say they will vote for Biden in 2024, according to a new poll.

    11 months ago

    TBF, if Time magazine is saying this then it should cause at least some general concern as we’re a week + one year out from the vote. Single issue voters exist. I’m not addressing/excusing the rationale behind this and I can’t believe I’m calling this pain down on myself, but where are all the “big tent Dems” at? I mean, we can rationalize pandering to the right to pick up house moms that would otherwise vote for Trump, but the concerns of the Arab Americans are a bridge to far? This seems like a blind spot that could come back to haunt us like not campaigning in the midwest in 16’.

    Before I get the “blue no matter whos” choir on me as well, just remember there’s a saying that proceeded that; “Democrats vote with their heart” and we need to be very mindful of everyone that relates to, as we can’t afford to lose anyone. Hate doesn’t need to be rational. It often finds it’s best fuel to be emotion.