• Global surge in antisemitic incidents following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, affecting Jewish communities in various countries.
  • Antisemitic acts range from verbal abuse to physical assaults, often justified by anger over the Gaza conflict.
  • In areas like the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and South Africa, antisemitic incidents have increased several hundred percent compared to the same period last year.
  • Official responses vary, with Western authorities generally quick to support Jewish communities, while some countries like China have not taken steps to curtail antisemitic content online.

Media Bias Fact Check (Reuters):

Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.

  • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Criticalness of Israel is not hatred of Jews. Any attack on someone based on their nationality should be a hate crime (including illegal immigrants at the USA Southern border). Walking past a protest and being offended by their message isn’t being attacked. Israel is way over the line and has historically been looking for reasons to absorb the Gaza strip into their control.

      • Wakmrow@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        They cite the airport in Russia. Those people were explicitly carrying Palestinian flags and targeting the fleeing colonists, people who actively were on the side of the regime in Israel.

        I’d like to see the posts. And in fairness I’ve seen a lot of Nazi shit pop up on posts so anecdotally I believe anti semitism is increasing.

        However, I despise the Israeli government and I’ve been called all sorts of shit for it. So I’m sceptical.

        • blazeknave@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I just read: because people have confronted my disdain for Israel, I don’t believe Jews in other places are experiencing hate crimes.

          Is that statement accurate?

          • Wakmrow@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            No, that is not correct. I genuinely believe there is an increase in anti semitism. I have seen it myself.

            I am also disgusted at how irresponsibly people have been using that term. Representatives of the Israeli government get on cable news networks and any criticism of the genocide is met with claims of anti semitism. There are many people who are Nazis, not just garden variety fascists, but actually want to murder all Jewish people. Diminishing the weight and meaning of the term is encouraging these shits and it’s going to be a real problem.

            I want to elaborate on the Russian airport. Those Jewish people left that community to join the apartheid in Palestine, willingly. They participated in it, willingly. Given compulsory military service, some on that plane took part in the violence (Don’t look into how many sexual abusers use birthright citizenship to evade justice or how they might be evading conscription into the Russian military). They were wealthy enough to get on an airplane and leave as their country began a violent oppression using the military. There are many reasons to be angry and violent towards the settlers that are not the fact that they are Jewish. People can be angry with them just based on the actions they have taken. Mossad very famously tracked and murked perpetrators of the genocide when they fled justice, were those anti-German hate crimes? Also, the footage I saw was people wanting to confront the people on the plane and the police fucking them up, is that a hate crime?

            I get that’s a spicy take for many people. There has been, for decades, bleating from the Israeli government about anti semitism. And they feed that through “reputable news sources” like Reuters. As for why I don’t trust them, see Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder and the reporting that followed.

            I know what narrative they want. So I want evidence when they make these claims.

            • blazeknave@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              I hear you. Not controversial at all and I pretty much agree where I’m informed. I think this is my issue… there are a million posts about Palestinian genocide where your comments are well suited. This is the rare post about civilians on the other side, millions that aren’t even in the region. That makes this the inappropriate place for your arguments. If you’re not sharing the sentiment on this post to diminish the point of the article, why are you sharing here? FYI for edification, that’s a dog whistle. It may not be your intent, but by pulling the convo away from the victims, there’s inherent implication that the victims don’t matter.

              • Wakmrow@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                That’s entirely fair.

                But I disagree that this isn’t the appropriate post for this discussion. A few weeks ago there was a Jewish synagogue leader murdered which made national news (Samantha Woll). She sounds like she was a beautiful soul and her death is a tragedy. Apparently, it was not a hate crime but standard levels of violence in American society.

                I know why the story was national news. It serves a narrative. That narrative is dangerous. I think that narrative is going to lead us to a very dark place. I think this article is part of that narrative.

      • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I did not read the article, nor do I have time, temperament, brain space, or blood pressure to read a percentage point of the articles that have come out about this war, or the other fucking war, or probably ww3 when it begins. My statements were a generality that I felt comfortable expressing in an aggregating website, I may have chosen the incorrect thread to put them out into, but this is where they were dumped to. Apologies for being overwhelmed at the amount of propaganda being pushed from all sides. I would ask you to allow me to exist in my gray middle area of “everyone should chill the fuck down”. Glory to Ukraine, peace in the middle east.

    • DanL4@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Israel voluntarily got out of Gaza, it would be suicide to go back, both temporarily (as is done now) and of course permanently.

      The amount of money spilled from all over the world into Gaza could have made it a beautiful paradise, or a second Tel Aviv.

      People there are refugees because hamas is happy with them being refugees.

      Israels government are a bunch of criminals, but not for anything to do with Gaza. It’s an impossible conflict in which the only winners are the extremists on both sides who use it to show the world how there is no other way than force. Hamas justifies hiding under hospitals by saying that’s the only way to defend themselves, the corrupt, incompetent, extremist, Israeli government now want to blame the 2006 government for leaving Gaza and by that bringing this assault upon them.

      • filister@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Oh yes, the paradise open air prison created by Israel, which they now try to “re-build” to create a moon-style amusement park.

        And while I don’t hate Jews or any other race, I find it strange that no one here is talking about the elephant in the room. That the recent surge in hate crime is directly linked with the war in Gaza, and that people are tired of seeing Israel’s government overstepping their limits once again and trying to level up the whole of Gaza by carpet bombing it, without any consideration of human life.

        Have you ever thought that if Israel has found a peaceful solution of the Gaza/Hamas problem there would be a hate crime surge?

        And what about the hate crime against the Palestinians in the West Bank, which is documented, unprovoked and happening with the silent endorsement of the IDF? I am sorry but I find it a bit cynical to say the least.


          • filister@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I have never said that, but targeting random Palestinians who don’t have anything to do with the events from the 7th of October also is not okay but I don’t see you condemning them?

            My point only is that I am showing you how people from different parts of the world aren’t so different after all. They are all irrationally generalising people and holding them accountable for the wrongdoings of other people from the same ethnicity.

            And my point is this surge of hatred is fuelled by a war offensive which a lot of people find too extreme and disproportionate in its nature bordering ethnic cleansing.

            So I don’t think you, me or anyone in the world could change the human prejudices and their irrational tendencies of generalising people so the only other solution of the problem is the Israelian government to start treating its minorities respectfully, but I don’t see this happening either.

    • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You just did the opposite, and took hatred of Jews and equated it with criticalness of Israel and Israel’s war crimes.

      • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Sorry I can’t see your comment in thread to respond there, I don’t mean to, or care if, we have this conversation in private or where others can take from it.

        I don’t think we are seeing “a sight more than” criticalness of Israel by anyone other than those who were already predisposed to hate Israel for hateful reasons. I do not support those who would kill anyone for religious reasons, and I’m offended that you would be so quick to put me in that camp. You’re too quick in putting people onto one side or the other, and that will only cause people who want to be on your side to find others who will ‘be open to supporting’ them, and while I align myself with where you’re coming from, the people who open their arms to those you turn away are maligned with the intent to corrupt those you turned away against you.

        It’s a very dangerous (or very troll -esque) thing you do with your quick to judge words.