The IDF and Shin Bet released on Saturday afternoon footage from investigations of two terrorists who infiltrated Israel on October 7 and provided further evidence of Hamas operatives using hospitals in the Gaza Strip to shield themselves from IDF strikes.

During his interrogation, Amer Abu Awash, a member of Hamas’s elite Nukhba force, was asked about the connection between hospitals in Gaza and the Palestinian enclave’s vast system of subterranean tunnels, to which he responded, “most of them are hidden in the hospitals. (At) Shifa for example (the hospital), there are underground levels… Shifa is not small, it is a big place that can be used to hide things."

Abu Awash is then asked by the interrogator about why Hamas was using medical institutions, such as hospitals and clinics, for protection, to which he answered, “you won’t strike them.” He explains that Hamas is taking advantage of the fact that Israel won’t strike hospitals to smuggle “explosives, weapons, food, medical equipment” for their operatives. “I told you, Shifa is a safe place, it will not be struck. To them it is safe, that’s what we know.” Abu Awash also expressed criticism of Hamas when asked about the fuel situation in Gaza. “First, they take care of their own cars and jeeps and then distribute them to the people. They refuel from full containers for themselves,” he said.

When questioned if Gazans have freedom of movement, he responded, “No. You can’t go to Egypt without their (Hamas) permission.” Hassan Zaarab told his interrogator that his a medic for the military wing of the organization, and that during the October 7 attack, he operated in Kibbutz Sufa near the Gaza border. He was then asked about Hamas’s use of hospitals, and replied that “the Shifa hospital, they’re using it, they’re hiding there.”

  • @zbyte64
    468 months ago

    This is why when there’s a hostage situation, the police always start with shooting the hostages. You need to send the message that such tactics won’t work.

        • dumdum666
          8 months ago

          I know what I am doing, so not misinforming.

          So you want to make sure we understand that you spread Disinformation on purpose?

          From your link: „Disinformation is purposefully [!sic] false or misleading content shared with an intent to deceive and cause harm.“

            58 months ago

            The sources I provided were an article from a Jewish Holocaust scholar and definitions from Reader Digest. The scholar is an expert in genocide, he’s a real as it gets. Definitions are defined. If you think either is false or misleading then state your case. Although I did share each intentionally, I did it to inform, not to deceive. Big difference dum dum.

      8 months ago

      The story may be true, but regardless we need to link to better sources than this site. There was a problematic article the other day as well.

      That’s true regardless of which side you’re advocating for. Post good sources and the truth will help the innocent people suffering all around.

      Edit: looks like DoomBot5 deleted their other comments

      98 months ago

      Doesn’t change mine, and we already pretty much knew Hamas was doing this, but it’s important to understand that Hamas deeply sucks.

      • be_excellent_to_each_other
        8 months ago

        Fair enough, but I feel like someone thinks I’m going to read this and go “ah well, go ahead and strike those hospitals then, Israel!”

        Maybe I’ve just been becoming jaded at an accelerated rate lately.

    38 months ago

    Notice how we’re supposed to accept that the testimony from the Hamas-held hostages is coerced, but that the likelihood of this being coerced is so low that it’s supposed to be enough justification to bomb a hospital.