If you get, say, depressed because of your life being constant shit, how will going to a mental institution help? How does therapy help?

It’s not like therapy is going to solve the problems you face in life, like lack of money, friends, bad job, etc? I guess I’m asking what is the purpose of therapy and mental institutions?

  • Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m sorry if my story is offputting, but it’s the truth. I’ve been in touch with the system multiple times, and I was always cooperative and complacent. Aggression doesn’t figure into it. But in my experience, people who genuinely wanted to help were extremely few and far between, and the others were never shy to use their power over me to my detriment.

    As for how society itself treats you once they know you’ve been inside… Oof.

    I’m 100% convinced that if I hadn’t gone through the system, I would now either be dead or much better off and at this point I would have preferred death. Sure, I’m alive, but only because the people I love would be devastated if I was gone. I don’t live for myself, couldn’t care less about it.

    Again, sorry if that’s not what people want to hear, but it’s the sipmle, sad truth. If that kind of truth is unwanted, feel free to ban me. Never been banned on Lemmy before but there’s gotta be a first time for everything, right?