Artists around the world are joining forces to protect their jobs, and their souls, from the ramifications of AI that sounds just like them.
Artists around the world are joining forces to protect their jobs, and their souls, from the ramifications of AI that sounds just like them.
This is a battle the voice actors won’t win, unfortunately. Maybe today, their voices are iconic. You can’t make a new Frozen movie or any other Disney Pixar without the original voice actor (you can, but it’s bad).
But in the future, the next “voice actor” for the next big Disney Pixar hit, is a pure AI from the start. Then they can control the voice forever. And that’s what they want.
I can’t see how the voice actors could possibly get around this, because they are suddenly expendable.
All workers are expendable.
Humans will always value work created by other humans, but our fates should not be tied to the profit motive of capitalists.