Hey, I study special needs education for blind/visually impairment (and for hearing and deafblindness).

I was wondering if people with low vision experience differences between reading different printed alphabets (japanese/ arabic/ latin alphabet/ cyrillic etc) and if certain scripts are easier to read than others?

Does anyone know or know how to find those things out? I discussed it with my prof and he didn’t know either.

(If this post seems familiar it might be because I posted it (but worded differently) on reddit too)

  • SomeoneElse@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Yep, increasing the text size helped a little, but adjusting the spacing, alignment and margins helped a lot. I keep the margins thin/small, the alignment left justified and the spacing moderate-wide. Those adjustments plus the more legible font has made reading almost as easy as before my eyesight was damaged. I do have to focus more though, or the words/letters in the centre of my vision go walkabout!