• Dienervent@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      Isn’t the Gaza hospital at the very least confirmed to have been a relatively minor explosion in the parking lot?

        • V17@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          major explosion killing 200+ people

          Is there any proof of that? From what I saw the estimates kept going down and down, with various OSINT groups claiming likely proof of merely tens of people and actual intelligence agencies more conservatively 100+, but not 200. It seems unlikely that if Hamas had the bodies of 200+ people they would not even take photos for propaganda purposes.

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          from a failed rocket launch by neither Israel or Hammas but by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group.

          The US said “Israel likely isn’t responsible” one time, and this is what people are repeating…

        • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          I’m sorry, what?

          The IDF pinned it on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad almost immediately, not Hamas. Israel doesn’t really care that much about the distinction between Hamas and the PIJ and doesn’t gain anything by conflating them. If anything, the PIJ is even worse than Hamas, and they literally have the word ‘Jihad’ in their name, so if anything, Israel would be incentivized to label more things as self-admitted jihadists.

      • simulacra_simulacrum@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        That was the latest that I saw. Not to excuse the rest of Israel’s actions. Really hard to discern the fake news and propaganda from reality on that one though. And it’s a moot point anyway. It’s blamed on Israel now, because that’s the story that is sticking.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Yeah, but there was a bunch of people who were gathered there because their homes had already been bombed…

      • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        UNRWA schools have been confirmed, by the UN itself, to store weapons in the past. It’s a known technique by Hamas to store military items in civilians infrastructure in order to maximize civilian damage.

          • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            You’ve obviously already decided that anything the IDF says is necessarily false, which I probably don’t need to say is strictly irrational.

            Yes, the IDF is incentivized to lie, and they have lied in the past. That does not mean that everything they say must be false. Hamas does intentionally conduct military operations from civilian sites, and this is widely recognized. That doesn’t mean that you have to trust the IDF when they say it - you actively should not - but it’s just as illogical to accept the opposite case as truth.

            And if there were, in fact, military operations being conducted at the site, which again is something that we do not know for sure either way, it would be a valid and legal military target, with the culpability lying with the party using the site illegally.

            • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
              11 months ago

              No no, the culpability lies 100% with the person doing the killing.

              What they are saying when they do that is that they don’t mind killing children to get what they want.


              Full stop.

              • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
                11 months ago

                I’m not talking about personal morality, or even making a moral claim. I’m speaking strictly about how international law treats war crimes. You can believe that those rules are morally wrong, evil, or what have you. That’s not what I’m talking about.

                The counter-argument, if you care, is that if you refuse to do military action because your opponent has endangered a child, that tells your opponent that the only thing they have to do in order to win is to point guns at children’s heads, thus only further incentivizing the risk to them. The problem, the argument goes, is that if you refuse to act because a child may be at risk, your position is essentially that someone can do literally any atrocity at all, and as long as they also ensure that a child will be harmed in the response, you won’t do anything about it. This allows the behavior to continue unimpeded and will result in net more harm.

                Under your framework that killing children must always be verboten, you’re saying that the Allies should not have conducted any operations that put children at risk, and that so long as the Nazis ensured that any retaliatory attacks would harm children, they should have been allowed to continue their reign of horror forever.

                they are saying when they do that is that they don’t mind killing children to get what they want.

                Yes, that is what it’s saying. It’s morbid and terrible to ever have to make the decision, but I think most people would generally agree that there does exist a level of consequence that would justify putting children at harm’s risk, but also, that the blame lies with the people that have made the choice necessary to begin with. Just to take the most exaggerated ridiculous example possible, if a rouge terrorist somehow acquires a nuclear bomb, plants it in the middle of New York City, threatens to detonate it and you have the power to stop it by sending a missile to his house which will kill him and the group of kidnapped children he’s taken hostage, most people (and I’m not speculating; this has been studied) will say that you would be morally justified in sending the missile, and yes, killing the children. They would say that the blame lies with the terrorist that made the choice necessary in the first place.

                I don’t want to get into the details of this current conflict because it’s just about the biggest geopolitical clusterfuck the world has ever known, but I hope you can at least understand the perspective behind the legal framework here, even if you still disagree with it.

    • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      So Israel got away with bombing a hospital

      If you’re going to just lead with things that are, at the very least, not at all clear facts, I’m going to have a hard time taking anything else very seriously.

    • chaogomu@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      For the Hospital bombing…

      This lines it all out.

      The TLDR is that it’s not enough visible damage to have been an Israeli bomb. The entire article is worth a read, Bellingcat actually does video and image analysis to figure out what likely happened.

      As for the church bombing, Israel has taken responsibility for it, but are quibbling on the damage.


      The Israel Defense Forces said in an emailed statement that a strike targeting a Hamas control center “damaged the wall of a church in the area” and that it is “aware of reports on casualties” and is reviewing the incident.