Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.

    1 year ago

    Israel also bombed the supposedly safe >route to the south, so there goes the >whole benevolent state lie.

    Did they? Or did Hamas? If it was Israel, do you know why they did it? How are you getting access to that information?

    Israel doesn’t minimise damages, it in >fact calls for the most extreme revenge >against Palestine and minimises the >media coverage when it blows back >against them.

    Is Gaza still there or did they destroy it? Still there? Oh, okay. Is it extreme revenge to spend a week telling civilians to evacuate? Is it extreme to spend the blood of your own soldiers in a ground invasion to destroy an enemy that has sworn to never stop attacking you?

    No matter what hamas has done it can’t >be allowed to deflect from Israeli crimes, >Israel has been called out by the UN for >committing genocide.

    So you’re literally excusing terrorism now. At least you took your mask off.

    The fact you compare a terrorist >organisation to a state that should be >expected to be held to a higher set of >standards is pretty damming to that >state.

    Well they did wait until they were attacked. There’s a reason all of these events are happening right now. Remember what happened on the 7th? Who was responsible for that?

      1 year ago

      Israel was responsible for the 7th, they created the situation and they moved troops from the border to torment the west bank. Israel failed it’s people on that day.

      You try the same old shit, I call out Israeli crimes and you say I’m endorsing terrorism. I can be critical of terrorist organisations at the same time as being critical of nation states.

      Remember Israel just spent 7 million dollars on YouTube ads in the past 10 days, so i hope youre not pushing state propaganda for free, they can well afford to pay you too.

        1 year ago

        What’s the problem with Israel moving their troops around? There still had to be Hamas who invaded their country, raped their parents, brutalized their children, and uploaded the videos to Facebook. That part you left out?

        I always think it’s ironic when people argue that literal terrorists aren’t responsible for their actions. “Sure, what Hamas did was bad… but Israel made them do it!” Its exactly like punching someone and claiming they made you punch them. No, they didn’t. You are responsible for your actions, and Hamas is responsible for theirs. You are removing responsibility from a terrorist organization that would kill you without hesitation, do you understand?

          1 year ago

          Nah you only ask what happened on the 7th, you don’t want anyone to look earlier than that.

          2023 was already one of the bloodiest years for Palestinians before the 7th.

          Israel has been punching for years then crys when they get punched back only to punch all the harder while still playing the victim.

          Ofc they have a responsibility to their own actions but I would view them like the French resistance. Paraphrasing from a BBC article on war crimes committed by the French resistance: you can commit what is morally wrong while still being on the side of righteousness.

          You are removing responsibility from a state that has a duty to protect it’s people. Never mind that it was very likely they knew something was coming.

          They would not kill me at all because I’m not a settler living on stolen land. If you are scared that they will kill you you’ve got to ask yourself why. Most people in the world do not live on occupied land and do not live under any such threat.

            1 year ago

            So this is righteousness?


            You think the terrorist organization that took 200+ hostages of all nationalities, would hesitate to kill you. I mean, maybe you could suck up to them hard enough, I don’t doubt that. Do you see Israel running around with a plan to rape, burn, and behead Palestinians? Go to Gaza is you love Hamas so much, see what happens.

              1 year ago

              You wouldn’t mean these hostages?

              Israeli settlers and soldiers tortured, raped and murdered Palestinians in the west bank.

              Israel also is imprisoning a number of Palestinians including 500-1000 children in military detention each year and currently an estimated ~150 minors in the Israeli prison system, are they not hostages?

              If I go to Gaza/west bank, based on the deaths so far I’d be more likely to die by IDF stray bullets or Israeli bombs than by hamas.

              You ignore Israeli crimes and just point out hamas, its exactly what you accuse me of doing.

                1 year ago

                You’re perfectly happy eating Hamas propaganda. Again, you’re simping for terrorists and if you don’t have a problem with that, it at least speaks to your rationality in this argument. On the one hand, you’re trying to argue how bad Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is, on the other, you have to trust Hamas to do it. You don’t know anything about what has happened to the other hostages and how they were treated. You want Hamas to seem more humane, so you extrapolate from anecdote. Watch the video that I posted. Do you see Israel doing that? Are they invading Gaza and gunning down random Palestinians?

                You keep trying to draw equivalences but you fail because you ignore the intention of the acts, which is entirely what matters in criminal cases. You pretend that Israel has prisoners, that those are hostages. No, they’re prisoners, they’re in prison because of crimes they committed. It literally does not matter if they’re children, you don’t get to roam around and be a danger to society just because you’re under 18. You have no idea what those children have done, yet you freely pretend that they must be hostages and big bad Israel is wrong for keeping them incarcerated. You’re not a legal expert and you have no clue why they’re there.

                I don’t doubt that you’d be in danger of IDF if you went to Gaza, but that’s because you’d be hanging out with Hamas. Make your bed and lie in it.

                  1 year ago

                  You don’t know what’s happening to the other hostages either but you assume the worst and eat Zionist propaganda up.

                  Nearly the same amount of Palestinian children have been randomly murdered by Israeli bombs as people died on the 7th, thats not even counting all the other innocent men, women, press, UN staff, medical workers and hostages that have died because of Israels indiscriminate bombing.

                  They are currently mowing the lawn with bombs rather than gunning them down. The effect is the same.

                  There have been 1000 people detained in the west bank recently, Israel is detaining Jewish citizens because they are going against the government by calling for peace.

                  Israelies can not currently enact their right to protest against the government. That doesn’t scream democracy to me.

                  The fascist Zionist state hurts Israeli Jews as well as Israeli/Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

                    1 year ago

                    Did you watch the video that I posted? That’s what you’re supporting.

                    Nearly the same amount of Palestinian children have been randomly murdered by Israeli bombs as people died on the 7th

                    Irrelevant. People die in war, including civilians, and including children. If Palestinians cared about their children, they would raise them to not attack Israel. Apparently, they cannot or will not. This is the consequence. Israel is not there to exact an eye for an eye. They are there to destroy any threat to their security. That means destroying Hamas and all who support them.

                    thats not even counting all the other innocent men, women, press, UN staff, medical workers and hostages that have died because of Israels indiscriminate bombing.

                    They are currently mowing the lawn with bombs rather than gunning them down. >The effect is the same.

                    Again, prove that it’s indiscriminate? You don’t know what the IDF knows, so you can only be propagandizing with statements like that. You want Israel to be indiscriminately bombing Gaza, because of how that changes the appearance of the situation. The fact you have to lie is evidence itself that you’re wrong. Is Gaza still there? Are they indiscriminately bombing south Gaza? Of course not. And, what does this have to do with creating a solution to the war? You advocate for peace, but you ignore what will happen to Israel if they lay down their weapons. What happens to the Palestinians if they surrender? Will they be destroyed? What happens to Israel? I bet you won’t answer.

                    There have been 1000 people detained in the west bank recently, Israel is detaining Jewish citizens because they are going against the government by calling for peace.

                    Israelies can not currently enact their right to protest against the government. That doesn’t scream democracy to me.

                    Free speech is not absolute, as you well know. Should you have the right to tell someone you’re going to murder them and then face no punishment for your free speech? People calling for peace, like you, and like those arrested, are simultaneously calling for the destruction of Israel, because there is no alternative. It is the logical consequence of what happens when Israel allows Hamas to exist. You can stop pretending you’re anti-war and pro-peace, because you’re not. You’re pro-palestine and you’re mad your favored side is losing. Right or wrong, at the end of the day, Israel exists. They aren’t going to just die because you’re sympathetic to terrorists. It would be wise to stop attacking the giant bear that has the power to oppress and destroy you.