Is there a /c/AtheistInternetFuneral?
Mmm, sacrelicious
I don’t think this would do anything unless you were a priest or on unusually good terms with one, otherwise there would be no one to do the consecrating bit.
Which can only mean that probably this is the balanced breakfast of every catholic priest to safeguard their bursting into flames upon ascending the pulpit
Well, the instructions for communion were “where 2 or more are gathered”… the only qualification was being a believer.
so you just need to do this with a buddy.
Sometimes there’s leftovers from the last mass, though
Mmm soggy unleavened bread
I always liked the eucharist, tasted like those cheap ice cream cones we all got as kids.
Didn’t do much for my soul.
for the record… that’s because they’re basically the same as cheap ice cream cones… just flower and water mixed, kneaded and pressed thin before baking.