I eat lunch in the cafeteria at work. Sometimes i like to watch videos of cats doing funny things on youtube during my break. The thing is, i don’t wear headphones and sometimes people give me looks. AITA for watching videos in the cafeteria without headphones?
100% yes.
Absolutely yes, how in considerate do you have to be to not realize that most people do not want to listen to your video during their break.
what about folks having conversation during break? i imagine your response would be the same for this because most people don’t wanna hear you talk about your weekend with a coworker
Every person involved in a conversation has to be able to hear each other speak. The only one listening to your videos is you.
If you had earphones, you wouldn’t need to listen to their discussion anyway, as the earphones would take care of both problems simultaneously, making you the only one that hears your videos, and making sure you can’t hear other people’s conversations.
Being considerate won’t get you noticed, but being inconsiderate certainly will, in all the wrong ways.
If they’re being loud or obnoxious then yes that is rude. But the vast majority of people are not disturbed by normal background chatter. In fact the opposite is true, many people are so comforted by the human voice that they listen to podcasts to fall asleep.
Whereas listening to a video out loud is always obnoxious and disruptive. Especially when there are numerous inexpensive ways for you to avoid doing it (headphones, eat somewhere else, mute and rely on captions, do something on your phone besides watch a video)
Yea. Stop that.
The fact you need to ask this makes me wonder what other ways you are an asshole.
Already been answered, but just want to clarify:
idk why the topic is being down voted. down voting topics makes people not want to share their experiences with the community
I suspect you do know why it’s being down voted, you just might say it’s not a good reason for doing so, and I agree.
i suspect that it’s because I’m the asshole, but that’s the point of the community. isn’t it?
or maybe I’m wrong. maybe the point of this community is to downvote and chastise people who share here
I imagine you’re right. Can’t be sure.
My guess is people think they’re punishing you somehow with their down votes.
Quite silly, as you say.
Yeah you dumbass.
Afraid so, but I appreciate that you’re thinking about it enough to ask here. We all do obnoxious stuff sometimes. Still, don’t make other people listen to the videos you’re watching.
Yes. If you are ever in a shared space, public or otherwise, it is common courtesy to use headphones. You don’t need to have $100+ BT headphones, they still make the wired $5-10 versions and you won’t get looks anymore.
You’re not an asshole, you’re just inconsiderate. If you were an asshole, you wouldn’t be asking for the advice of strangers and even considering that you’re in the wrong.
Wear headphones, or watch the vids on mute. You can imagine the “Mrrreow” and “Prrph?” noises they make
Without a shadow of a doubt, yes. You monster.
I was in the waiting room while my spouse was getting a 4 hour surgery.
This guy had on Fox News as loud as possible on his phone and had no intention of using headphones or lowering volume or turning it off.
He was a major asshole.
So yes, you are one, too, just not nearly as bad because at least you weren’t watching Fox News at the time.
Wear headphones. Respect other people.