• SuddenlyBlowGreen@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Without getting too much into it, the Bible says that Mosaic law is superceded by the Law Covenant at the time of Jesus’ death, and thus is no longer in affect.

    “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

    Matthew 5:17–18

    It’s still in effect according to your prophet and the son of your god, but you surely know more than him.

    The reason I ignored this topic before is because it has absolutely nothing to do with the original discussion, which was “the Bible does not teach torture”.

    You said: “The Bible doesn’t teach dominating and torturing people, for one.”

    I gave to plenty of evidence, from the bible directly, that it teaches dominating and torturing people, you just choose to disregard facts because it does not agree with your narrative, which seems to be an epidemic with you religious types.

    Ah, so if I said “everyone deserves respect” you would argue in favour of treating everyone terribly?

    That (unlike slavery) is not a despicable things, so I won’t argue against it. Maybe try understanding my argument before trying (and failing) to come up with a snappy reply.

    Like I said, if you knew his content from Hardcore History, any of it, you would understand how ridiculous your statement is.

    Again, I won’t buy any of his content. I don’t care for slavery apoligists.

    But just wait until you find out that some of the greatest minds regarded in science were Christian and believed in God.

    I’m keenly aware that christians forced their religion on everybody they could when it was acceptable. Thankfully, it’s less acceptable now, but we still have ways to go. Thanks for reminding me how christianity pushed back the progess of science and humanity by centuries.

    Are you genuinely still asserting that I ever said “slavery was a good thing”? At this point you’re either just a troll or just really thick.

    You did quote the wikipedia article that said that…

    No. I suggested his stuff once, and then just kept laughing (not mockingly, I genuinely found it funny) at how absurd your attempts to discredit Hardcore History is, based purely on your bias towards me.

    I looked up his name and his christian podcast came up, I went to his website where he is selling is podcast episodes.

    I didn’t need to discredit him, he did that all on his own.

    The sad thing is that you might actually think I believe that,

    So you just argue for this you don’t belive in and agree with?

    This is you, by the way:

    Is it a good thing that people go on welfare, or is it preferable to starving? Again, this is where we get into the definition of the word. Think about it, how would it be preferable to be mistreated, beaten, and abused?

    The Bible says homosexuality is displeasing to God because it’s not how he intended romantic relationships to be.

    And he is a homophobe as well, what a surprise…

    It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that you can’t argue the topic about slavery in the Bible on its own merit, is it?

    I would think you really didn’t need to argue the fact that slavery is a bad thing, but the bible and you seem to disagree.

    The arguments was about if the bible teaches to dominate and torture people, by the way, not just about slavery.

    I just though that you’d agree that slavery counted as dominating and torturing people. How wrong I was.

    Surely you wouldn’t try to discredit the source material in order to undermine your opponents arguments. Not you, never.

    Well, if the “source material” is a supposedly supernatural book and religion, and a pastor’s podcast for that religion, I really don’t need to undermine it, it already undermined itself.

    I’ll read it, but I won’t reply if you keep misrepresenting what I’ve said and try to put words in my mouth.

    How brave of you to leave an argument you lost.

    I don’t misrepresent what you said, you’re just insinuating I did, becuase you realized your arguments sound really bad when you put them out there.