They just allowed triplexes last weds as the the provincial bill - apparently fourplexes are too far?

It’s a housing crisis guys…

    1 year ago

    If the province had bigger balls they’d upzone everywhere to 6 storey mixed use.

    Cities are dealing with this crisis very insincerely.

    1 year ago

    They say this is a “key flashpoint for Ottawa” but who actually feels that way? I’ve never noticed this come up before. I can’t imagine most citizens actually care as much the councilors suggest…

    Worrying this will increase density in suburbs (and transit is unable to handle that) is the wrong way to think about this when the alternative is building more sprawl which transit already can’t handle.

    1 year ago

    This city needs to fucking deamalgamate 10 years ago. Holy shit I hate the stranglehold these dumbass suburban consullers have over these types of decisions.

    Like fuck,

    “Kanata South Coun. Allan Hubley said he’s not against the idea of four units in principle, but worries the transit system isn’t yet up to supporting those kinds of densities in the suburbs. In his view, even three units isn’t sustainable without proper transit, since it risks turning backyards into parking lots.”

    He’s got it backwards, I don’t know if it’s out of stupidity or willful ignorance. The current single family homes and shitty road layouts of suburbs are the reason they’re hard to serve with public transit. You can’t design an obvious straight path where a route will go, it’s got to wind around weirdly. And each stop might serve ~30 people within a reasonable walking distance. If you allow higher densities that same stop can serve many more people making it much more profitable (not that every transit line needs to make a profit) and useful to people.

    And what the fuck is he talking about turning backyards into parking lots? Such a car brain take.

    Can someone get me into a room with this guy so I can talk about urban planning at him for several hours?