I just finished a long and insanely stressful sensory overload appointment to deal with some government paperwork stuff, and I realized partway in that I could REALLY use something unobtrusive to stim with. Anybody have good recommendations for something small enough to slip into my purse and that wouldn’t look far too awkward to use in a public environment dominated by neurotypical people? (I’m not concerned about looking a little awkward, lol, that ship sailed a long time ago)

  • Hangry
    1 year ago

    A well balanced retractable ballpoint pen. The type with aluminum body. I can make it rotate on my hand, and push the button really quick to help me focus. The trick is to push the button but not fully, in order to not produce any noise that could annoy people around you.

  • miles
    11 year ago

    i have a soft leather keychain that i clip to whatever bag i’m using, it’s not overly fidgety but it is a pleasant sensation

  • KarthNemesis
    11 year ago

    If you search for “haptic fidget” on etsy there’s a bunch of small, unobtrusive ones. If you like two pieces of 3D printed things you can slide around with magnets. My favourite is embedded with rolley balls on the outsides but there’s all types of them.

  • @seabisquit
    11 year ago

    Very cheap and also cool because you can find the perfect one for you yourself: a smooth rock. I keep one in most of my jacket pockets and it’s great to fidget with on the go, it also doesn’t make any sounds like some fidget toys do. No one will ever know.