The scene is straight out of a black comedy: A janitor working in a lab is driven mad by an incessant beep, so they flip a switch that kills the sound – but also shuts off a storage freezer t…
3:2:1 rule for data. Always have a backup for your backup. I am also surprised something didn’t freak out on those refrigerators. Seems like an oversight.
“backing up” biospecimens and other physical samples is not as easy as baking up data. Freeze/thaw often degrades things, and volumes maybe be quite small and not amenable to aliqoting.
3:2:1 rule for data. Always have a backup for your backup. I am also surprised something didn’t freak out on those refrigerators. Seems like an oversight.
“backing up” biospecimens and other physical samples is not as easy as baking up data. Freeze/thaw often degrades things, and volumes maybe be quite small and not amenable to aliqoting.