• kava@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      What’s better? The guy you know will try and fuck you or the one that promises he will help and then fucks you anyway?

      The photo shoot at the border made me irrationally angry. You try and put yourself in the shoes and see how it feels to be one of the 12 million illegals or 600,000 DACA being promised something for decades by the Dems

      Living in fear as states like Texas and Florida ramp up the use of illegals as scapegoats. Just to see the president you thought was on your side spit in your face

        • kava@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          photoshoot at the border. because he’s expanding construction on the border wall that TRUMP campaigned on. the same wall he said he would halt construction on.

          if him and trump are the same, what difference does it make who i vote for? i only got the right to vote last year. i voted once in my state election for governor against desantis

          what’s that idiom though… “fear not the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you”

          you will never know the plight of these people. growing up in fear as the government becomes increasingly hostile to you while you are raised in school being taught about the “american dream” and “bring me your hungry your tired your weary” and “melting pot”

          then someone like biden comes to give a little hope only to crush you and remind you that this country is a cruel and uncaring machine