Article by TheMarySue: Publishing giant Scholastic has made it easy for white supremacists in the Southern US to censor book fairs, by creating a category of “diverse books” that Scholastic will not send to book fairs if a organizers opt out.

    108 months ago

    Could also be to protect the organizers in that state. Teachers are being arrested for having banned books and it’s not improbable to think a teacher might get arrested if the book fair they sponsored had banned books.

    • FfaerieOxide
      48 months ago

      You don’t side with the goon squad in that case. You send lawyers if you’re about it.

      • 520
        28 months ago

        Cute that you think teachers can afford lawyers

          • 520
            8 months ago

            Problem is, that’s a good way for even a company the size of Scholastics to go under. Parents can repeatedly go at the company for the maximum amount, and are likely to win at every point until this gets taken to the Supreme Court

            • FfaerieOxide
              18 months ago

              No actually, “the problem” is POC and LGBT people and topics being repressed, oppressed, and depressed.

              How much money a “publisher” owned by bankers have doesn’t concern me.

              • 520
                8 months ago

                You’re missing the fucking point, perhaps deliberately.

                It is suicide for them to do as you suggest. Them doing that means a lot of people become jobless over a pointless gesture that ends up having zero impact on the issue of BME/LGBT rights and history because guess what? The same lawmakers that make these laws aren’t fucking listening.

                • FfaerieOxide
                  18 months ago

                  I don’t believe they would go under and don’t care if they do.

                  If they are choosing to cater to bigotry to avoid going under, then that is wrong.
                  If they have to cater to bigotry or go under (they don’t) then not going under would be wrong.

                  To speak of missing points, though, some asshole suggested this hateful policy was potentially enacted to protect teachers and I brought up what would actually protect librarians and them. Now you’re shitting about congress like we aren’t 4 layers deep in hypothetical at this point and Scholastic was never trying to protect people so the point you are arguing it moot.