Still getting things set up. The following things are still needed to finish setting up this group/community. I welcome suggestions in the comments.

What is still needed:

  • Avatar for group. Roughly square/circle image to represent group. Done
  • Group banner. Rectangular image, wide or landscape orientation, to improve look of group profile. Done
  • Suggestions for resources to support Ukraine, to be included in group description. Done
  • Suggestions for good pro-Ukraine media and podcasts, to be included in group description. Done
  • Suggestions for how to explore and promote Ukrainian culture (i.e. books and things to support), that could be included in the description, or maybe a detailed pinned post. Done
  • Create a pinned post
  • Create petition for NATO to threaten nuclear response if nuclear power plant is destroyed.
    2 years ago @dana Directly supporting Ukrainians: is a marketplace operated in partnership with the Ukrainian government; Ukrainians provide products for sale internationally. I’ve used it many times and can vouch for it. Products range from clothes (got a fantastic winter coat from them), books, paintings, jigsaws, honey, etc. Delivery cost is per seller, not per order, so that’s worth bearing in mind - buying from multiple sellers will incur multiple delivery charges.