Still getting things set up. The following things are still needed to finish setting up this group/community. I welcome suggestions in the comments.
What is still needed:
Avatar for group. Roughly square/circle image to represent group.DoneGroup banner. Rectangular image, wide or landscape orientation, to improve look of group profile.DoneSuggestions for resources to support Ukraine, to be included in group description.DoneSuggestions for good pro-Ukraine media and podcasts, to be included in group description.DoneSuggestions for how to explore and promote Ukrainian culture (i.e. books and things to support), that could be included in the description, or maybe a detailed pinned post.Done- Create a pinned post
- Create petition for NATO to threaten nuclear response if nuclear power plant is destroyed. Here are simple avatar and banner. I combined public domain images to make these.
The links to originals:
@dana Okay, your attachments don’t show up in Lemmy, just the links to the original uncombined source images. And in Calckey they appear to have been converted into webm format, which is useless. I managed to take screenshots of them and upload those, so I can check this off as done for now. If I trimmed the screenshots incorrectly we can always fix that later by re-uploading.
@toni Ok, no problem.