When the post’s comments are nearly 10% of the likes, you know you’ve hit a nerve

  • @xantoxis@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The proper response to transphobes is 1) “you shouldn’t say x”, and if they don’t, 2) “shut up, idiot”. There’s some subset who would be respectful but don’t know that certain things are disrespectful, that’s what #1 is for. The rest are just idiots trying to fit in with their fascist group dynamic. They’ll happily out themselves when you ask them to speak respectfully, so for them, it’s #2.

    If they try to have an argument, just respond to everything with “who cares? leave them alone.”

    • HugucinogensOP
      9 months ago

      There’s lots of polemic comments on the other post as well, but I did like this thing someone there said, about how the greatest impact can be made in real life, where the bigot in question, has a real person in front of him, making it much harder to dehumanise them.

      Online, there probably isn’t much to be done to change someone’s mind.

      When in person, if he is still an asshole, treat him like the asshole that he is.

      comment in question

  • Cylusthevirus
    149 months ago

    There is no point in debate when you can’t agree on basic facts. A lot of transphobes are living in their own bubble, having completely rejected relevant experts in psychology, medicine, and many other fields.

  • @mina_tie@lemmy.world
    149 months ago

    I’m actually a transphobe. It’s not natural for cars to turn into giant robots, you know how hazardous it is to be around transformers? With their size I wouldn’t trust them to see normal folks like us and they might accidentally step on us leading to injuries and at worst death. Transformers are abomination and an insult to god. Banned transformers!

    • HugucinogensOP
      69 months ago

      Funny and all, but replace transformers with normal cars, and your comment is actually the real life that we are actually living lol

      Which I guess makes the metaphor even fucking better I guess

      • bbpolterGAYst (she/her)
        29 months ago

        i am a certified car girl but even i once in a while just stare at a car and go. why. what is this shit. what. who made this

        • SSFC KDT (MOVED)
          19 months ago

          if we come to find out that the reason for the success of the first internal combustion vehicle was to roll coal on steam powered vehicles for the lulz I’m going to be so pissed

  • @Szymon@lemmy.ca
    59 months ago

    They won’t change their desire to be hateful people, they’ll just ignore your logic that contradicts their world view. The only people that can change their opinion will be their friends, not the people they’re convicted are their enemy.

    Start working on the ones willing to listen… it’ll be a slow process to undo decades of political indoctrination but it’s possible. It requires finesse and a gentle approach of friendship and kindness.

    Then shove a stick up the ass of the political leaders driving this idiocy and cook them alive above a fire on a spitroast with an apple in their mouth.

  • Miku Luna \ she/it
    49 months ago

    Your post has 14 upvotes and 3 comments, you must’ve hit a big nerve

    • HugucinogensOP
      9 months ago

      Not gonna lie fam, I was looking for a way to link the source post, that was less creatively dead than “Source post: √link”. But I think what I said is a hella good point in a post with enough upvotes, that I was going back to it via “Top of last week”, because it is that highly upvoted.