Sweden’s prime minister on Thursday said that he’s summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave that has shocked the country with almost daily shootings and bombings.

Getting the military involved in crime-fighting would be a highly unusual step for Sweden, underscoring the severity of the gang violence that has claimed a dozen lives across the country this month, including teenagers and innocent bystanders.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that he would meet with the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to explore “how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs.”

      • mumblerfish@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Just how Dagens Industri is a “communist rag” (according to Johan Pehrsson) and Expo, that have had Moderates on the board, a left-extremist activist group, now also Reinfeldt also a lefty. Damn these rightwingers sure are far right these days.

      • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        That is my point though, “Their only fault was being too incompetent to fix integration and such from day 1”

        Yeah, it was the Modraterna, who I absolutley consider to be “lefties” Who started this entire mess way back when, and “öppna era hjärtan” was a marvelous political power play where the American style “corporate socialist democracy” idk, crushed the more traditional communist leaning Scandinavian Socialism*; admit to being kinda racist and very culturally xenophobic, or import almost a million people with zero cultural ties to you.

        And they are absolutley virtue signaling pansies imo. Just because I consider a moderate party in Sweden lefties and you do not, does not mean I belive S started the problem, S and VP or whatever the f they are called now had my respect before they absolutley bought the most obvious political move The average svennebannan has lost faith in the system, the gang related välfärdsfusk is going to overehelm, not literally, but emotionally and sensationally overwhelm hen. And I really do believe that.

        The current SD is nothing to what it used to be, the combined efforts of both the parties I described earlier* declawed and removed any actually effective tools the party could have brought to the table other than “it was better in the 70-90s, and we don’t like all these brown/black people”

        Everyone hates to hear it but actual social nationalistic/democratic parties are going to become the mainstream more and more as the counter to the giant blob of grey that is the current swedish political landscape. The mass import of low cost different colored labor killed solidarity and everything else will soon follow.

          • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            wtf does maduro and venezuela have to do with swedish gang crime and the increased militarization of swedish police?

            Other than that though, thats just my own point rebranded.

            Modraterna played everyone, on behalf of the US&CIA, I believe it started with olof palme, literally that is what I believe. And you had to jump on the train to destabilize the swedish economy, by importing almost a million low to no skill workers, or you were branded a raging racist. A Professional, Picture Perfect generational psy-ops culture and economic campaign to end swedish solidarity.

            And now that Sweden will be turned into a generic US/EU-lite hybrid, join NATO, and normalize entire populations on temp/gig work as a source of survival. All the wannabe commies and socialists who comprise the swedish goverment are going to stand by and let it happen. As it’s already done deal, they stood by as the interest of the swede was sold out for the interest of the west. Then people act all surprised when some of us gasp* support more confrontational policing methods? As the majority of the west is facing a surge in organized crime? Especially Sweden?

            Either way my og point stands. Solidariteten är över, they killed it by importing that much cheap labor. And Modraterna are absolutley “lefties” as they preach free markets(but only when it benefits them), open borders, etc. Which makes them liberal free market lefty globalists? And they like won too yall realize right? That’s my point.

            I’m assuming yall offended are “vänster” leaning. Which on a good day I think means yall are wannabe socialists or commies. Yall lost the fight along time ago I’m afraid.

            Also, I literally grow and smoke exclusively my own shit. Why are you assuming I’m anti weed cause I’m pro-swedish-cops? lol every haschnisse i know has been arrested 3-5 times for possession, and their lives aren’t exactly ruined. And what part of militarized police operating in specific situations and areas of Sweden will result in it being harder for people to get jobs? The equipment and training I’m talking about is the kind of shit that either, makes it easier for cops to go after middle-higher ranked individuals in organized crime structures, or keep cops from being shot. Not exactly a bad idea.

            Not pulling up on Muhammed at 2am and just blasting. lol

    • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      As someone from the Northeast US that has lived here for the better part of 4 decades, people that live in gated communities are usually either retirees or twats scared of their own shadows.

      • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Thank you for your input! It has been very useful, honestly you’re not wrong, there is alot of older folk in the neighborhood. That and families with kids.

        • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          How do you resolve the contradiction of being anti-immigration while being an immigrant yourself?

            • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              You stated that you live in the United States and are originally from Sweden. Unless you made part of that up, that makes you an immigrant.

              • AreaSIX @lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                Twats like him call themselves expats and imagine that they can’t be immigrants because they’re white.

                  • AreaSIX @lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    Imagine being this dense and oblivious, but somehow still believe you’re superior to anyone in any way whatsoever.

                • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  There are exceptions, mainly if your parent is a foreign national in another country for work temporarily when you are born; the families of American military personnel stationed abroad comes to mind for me. Do you feel there’s something contextual about your situation that doesn’t qualify you an immigrant (such as being born with American Citizenship)? I ask because given what you’ve shared you sound deeply hypocritical.

                  • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    I was raised both between my mother - none of of your concern!? As you stated there are several ways for me to move/live between both us/sweden and don’t forget us/eu. Now are you going to discuss anything political regarding the issue of swedish police needing heavier handed tactics to deal with gang crime, a unheard of thought in Sweden just fifteen years ago, or the immigration issue leading up to it. or just name call? And nitpick as you have little to actually add other than looking for issues and discrepancies in others statements, and opinions man.