The precise outline of the dysfunction varies a little bit, even within a particular BigCo. Usually it boils down to managers who don’t know how people work, and middle-to-upper management living in a reality of their own invention.
It’s a feature of tech entrepreneurship. You go until it’s boring and repeat. The problem is these fucks made so much money they don’t need to do shit. They won life and now they’re trying to take it to the next level. Even worse, they try to appeal to the masses as “regular people.” Lol
Sure I mean yeah fuck Reddit, but blur out the company name in this and it applies to 8/10 tech companies lol
The precise outline of the dysfunction varies a little bit, even within a particular BigCo. Usually it boils down to managers who don’t know how people work, and middle-to-upper management living in a reality of their own invention.
It’s a feature of tech entrepreneurship. You go until it’s boring and repeat. The problem is these fucks made so much money they don’t need to do shit. They won life and now they’re trying to take it to the next level. Even worse, they try to appeal to the masses as “regular people.” Lol
Now name me 8/10 tech companies whose CEO actively denigrates the entire user base and mod team. Musk doesn’t even meet this level of fuckery.